Weekly Release Roundup – Friday 24th May, 2024

From thrash metal to noisecore, to prog rock and black metal, to tech death and rock & roll, it’s a big week for releases and we’ve got a list for you to check out. All these releases are out today!

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EvilDead – Toxic Grace (Steamhammer/SPV)

EvilDead have worked hard to be as creative and relevant as possible going forward. Not the simplest of tasks when it comes to thrash-based music, but not everyone is like this band. The proof coming in nine-track form, and coming via the medium of roaring riffing, chuggy bass, thumping drums, and scowling vocals. EvilDead are sounding great, and from start, the head will be banging f**king hard.

Check out our full review here.

Eat Your Own Head – The Trawler (Drongo Records)

The Trawler Eat Your Own Head Artwork

Eat Your Own Head have delivered a very cool, quirky and energetic EP here in Trawler. Clearly a band that have a ton of creativity and they pack quite a lot of ideas, into each track, but rather than sound messy, it somehow works. Chaos, but organised chaos, Eat Your Own Head give you the opportunity to let loose, throw yourself around, headbang, dance and sway here.

Check out our full review here.

Vale of Pnath – Between The Worlds of Life and Death (Willowtip Records)

Between the Worlds of Life and Death is a mighty album that makes their tech-death sound that bit more accessible, while not losing the core heaviness that is so synonymous with them.

Check out our full review here.

Cathari – It Will Hurt the Entire Time You Are Alive (Self Released)

Going from doom metal to noisecore is one hell of a shift in style, but when it results in something so intense and horrible, nobody is losing. Cathari are a noisy bunch, but even a word like that underplays the extreme values of this EP. It’s raw and nasty, Cathari unable to contain their rage, and letting it all spew out across four devastatingly wicked tracks.

Check out our full review here.

Teramaze – Eli: A Wonderful Fall From Grace (Wells Music)

It is every bit the Teramaze so many people have come to love, but also filled with all manner of boundary pushing elements. While Eli: A Wonderful Fall from Grace does have a familiarity about it, it proves again that this band are always finding fresh and creative ways to push their sound in new directions.

Check out our full review here.

The Dirty Denims – Party On! (Self Released)

Creating lovely infectious music that makes you want to move; The Dirty Denims are a popular band, for good reason, and that popularity is only going to increase when they continue to release fun, exciting, thoughtful, and memorable music like the kind that exists on Party On!

Check out our full review here.

Aesthus / Sieluhaaska – Kaksi liekkiä Saatanalle (Purity Through Fire)

Sometimes all you want to hear is the sounds of Hell. Be it from the fiery pits or the frozen depths. Happily, Aesthus and Sieluhaaska are on hand to deliver exactly that with two vile blackened efforts each.

Check out our full review here.

Defects – Modern Error (Mascot Records)

A 13-track showcase (including an intro and interlude) of what this band is capable of. Which just so happens to be passionately delivered metal that blends elements of melodic metal, heavy alternative rock, metalcore, groove metal, and more. Where every track has some form of anthemic value regardless of the level of heaviness that comes with it.

Check out our full review here.

Mortal Wound – Anus of the World (Dark Descent Records/Me Saco un Ojo Records)

There’s simply no way to sugar coat this. It’s death metal at its harshest and most horrible sounding. Where only those with a taste for the rancid will come away pleased, even if the persistent panic-inducing aspects of the album will also leave those folks feeling a bit queasy.

Check out our full review here.

Electron – Hollow (Self Released)

To sum up Electron and what they offer on this new EP comes down to just one word, and that is anthemic. The three-piece have worked hard to craft a sound that has widespread appeal, even if it sits in the heavy camp.

Check out our full review here.

Vulgaris – Seat Of The Fire (WormHoleDeath)

While their core sound does draw from the blacker side of metal, Vulgaris are not constrained by the genre, and this album has strong elements of both sludge and thrash too. Something that becomes more and more notable as the album goes on.

Check out our full review here.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!