1972 Horror Movie Reviews Here are all our horror movie reviews from the year 1972. Horror Movie Review: Night of the Lepus (1972) 10/04/2023 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Invasion of the Blood Farmers (1972) 16/08/2022 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Edgar Allan Poe’s The Oval Portrait (1972) 05/07/2022 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: The Cannibal Man (1972) 22/02/2022 Carl Fisher 3 min read Horror Movie Review: Garden of the Dead (1972) 16/01/2020 Carl Fisher 1 min read Horror Movie Review: Home for the Holidays (1972) 01/12/2019 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Frogs (1972) 30/03/2019 Carl Fisher 1 min read Horror Movie Review: What the Peeper Saw (1972) 30/12/2018 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972) 18/12/2018 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Tales From the Crypt (1972) 07/04/2018 Carl Fisher 5 min read Horror Movie Review: Three on a Meathook (1972) 08/12/2017 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Virgin Witch (1972) 02/12/2017 Carl Fisher 1 min read Horror Movie Review: Asylum (1972) 22/11/2017 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Death Line (1972) 28/07/2017 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Horror Express (1972) 09/06/2017 Carl Fisher 2 min read Horror Movie Review: Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (1972) 27/04/2016 Carl Fisher 2 min read Share this:Post