Album Review: Messiahvore – Messiahvore (Coffin & Bolt Records)

Hailing from Denver, Colorado, Messiahvore are set to release their self-titled album via Coffin & Bolt / Golden Robot Records on the 26th February 2021.

Messiahvore aren’t looking to change the world of heavy music. What they want to do is provide a welcome distraction from reality with a 9-track record of proper meaty metal. One where head-banging isn’t recommended but rather actively encouraged. Easy enough to do thanks to the absolute meatiness of the guitars and bass. Calling them thick is an understatement and the layered thump of drums and gruffness of the vocals just adds to that sound.

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After a dingy start with Superstate, Betrothed’s extra spring in the step is groove-tastic and Sleep So Sound’s tinge of doom is very exciting stuff. The first third of the album is a great showcase of Messiahvore’s power.

Talking of groove though, Cult Worship is an absolute banger with energy and focus on the viscosity of the guitars and bass. It’s one of the standout efforts on the album. Followed by something a fair bit moodier with Doublecross, the Sabbath vibes are so very strong here. However, it is less a rip-off and more of a thrilling tribute.

After such a heavyweight offering, it’s a short and sharp burst of groove with Blood and Guts. Before Consume You, Lightweight and The Last Word has Messiahvore racing to the end with all their heavy metal might. Might that comes crashing down the skull but leaves a big old grin on the face. They’ve done a top job here.

Messiahvore – Messiahvore Full Track Listing:

1. Superstate
2. Betrothed
3. Sleep So Sound
4. Cult Worship
5. Doublecross
6. Blood And Guts
7. Consume You
8. Lightweight
9. The Last Word


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Messiahvore - Messiahvore (Coffin & Bolt Records)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
User Review
9.31/10 (7 votes)