Horror Movie Review: Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021)

In a world dominated by slasher, paranormal and re-imagining of classic horror films, anything that manages to grip in the way Broadcast Signal Intrusion does, deserves a hell of a lot of praise.

A suspense-driven mystery-based horror, Broadcast Signal Intrusion comes from director Jacob Gentry, and writers Phil Drinkwater and Tim Woodall.

Set in 1999, Harry Shum Jr. plays James, a video archivist who spends his nights transferring VHS tapes to DVD. It’s mind-numbing work that seems to suit the man as he is dealing with the long-ago tragedy of his wife having gone missing, presumed to be dead.

One night, while transferring a late-night TV show, he stumbles across something a little odd. The signal was hijacked and a creepy message was broadcasted. A message that seems nonsensical and is delivered by someone in a plastic mannequin mask. It is very unnerving.

James is fascinated, especially as signal intrusions are rare events, so starts some digging and ends up uncovering some dark details. Firstly, there were more signal intrusions and they were captured on tape. Secondly, the intrusions happened one day after a woman was reported missing and thirdly, one such woman was his wife.

This mystery hits close to home but James is not the first to try and dig up the story. Everyone, including the FBI have come up cold and someone out there wants the truth to stay buried.

It’s a fascinating mystery that ends up being way more procedural than you could expect. However, this only serves to enhance the mystery and tension surrounding it. Like James, the viewer will want to pull every thread even though it’s probably a bad idea. Even twist and turn, every dead end, every glimmer of hope, is felt here.

It’s a tangled web that has been weaved here but it’s not difficult to follow along, thanks, in part to the minimal characters and the focus on James and later, Alice (Kelley Mack). Both likeable leads with their own dark backstories and reasons for continuing down the path they are on.

It’s a mysterious movie but isn’t lacking in the scares department either. A few shock moments, some clever dream sequences and the constant suspenseful theme keeps things on edge. You’re never fully comfortable throughout.

Will it all make sense come the end? That’s up for debate as Broadcast Signal Intrusion certainly leaves things open for interpretation. If you’re one of those who like every answer given by the end, you might end up feeling let-down.

Hopefully not though as Broadcast Signal Intrusion is a thrilling watch that stands out amongst the horror pack because it dares to try something different.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
User Review
9.4/10 (1 vote)