Horror Movie Review: Bridge of the Doomed (2022)

It’s hard to get to excited by a zombie movie in 2022, especially one surrounding soldiers versus zombies. Yet, thanks to frenetic energy, lots of quality blood and guts, and an interesting twist regarding something far worse than the infected, Bridge of the Doomed is a highly entertaining flick.

Coming from Mahal Empire Productions, written by Adrian Milnes, directed by Michael Su, and starring Kate Watson, Robert LaSardo and Michael Paré. Bridge of the Doomed’s basic outline surrounds a mysterious virus spreading throughout the world. One that is causing humans to transform into flesh hungry zombies.

It’s up the military to find a way to contain the undead with one squad ordered to defend and hold a specific bridge. There’s just one problem, something far worse lives under it. Something wilder, something terrifying and something more dangerous.

A thoroughly entertaining horror movie, the energy of the cast and animated camera work is a major component of what makes the movie work. That, combined with a game cast who (mostly) do well and fantastic effects, ensures Bridge of the Doomed stands out.

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It needed to as well because the infected/zombie angle has been done to death and there’s little fresh flesh to be found on the masticated corpse. Bridge of the Doomed knows this, so keeps us away from the grander fall of civilisation, aside from a moment or two here and there.

Instead, it focuses all its energy on the soldier unit led by Sgt. Hernandez, played excellently by Kate Watson. She isn’t the only member of this team that stands out either, which again, is a pleasant surprise as often soldiers in horror aren’t given much in the way of defining personalities. You might actually feel attached to one or two of them.

Which certainly adds more impact when it comes to deaths and Bridge of the Doomed has plenty of that. Made even more intense by the blood and guts that are thrown around with little care. These are effects to be proud of and the film knows this, shooting a lot of it in the day time and only hiding the lesser effects in the darkness, when completely necessary.

Bridge of the Doomed isn’t going to change the zombie world, that simply isn’t possible, but it does make it that little bloodier.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Bridge of the Doomed (2022)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
User Review
8.33/10 (3 votes)