Horror Movie Review: Blood Bound (2019)

Blood Bound takes a different approach to a classic horror story about demons and ritual sacrifices by revealing its entire hand early on. After only a short amount of time we’re introduced to a family who have supernatural powers. This came about by some ancient deal they made with a demon and every 25 years they must sacrifice 4 human lives to it. Including one of their own.

In a small town, Kerry (Eden Brolin) is a bored 18-year-old who spends her time hanging out and doing drugs with her friends, Sean (Eric Nelsen) and Brian (Justiin A. Davis). LiFe is very mundane for the trio, each damaged in their own way.

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However, it is Kerry’s lack of interest in life and her virginity that sees her taken by the demonically-powered family. In a ritual and in front of her friends, she is raped by David (Ross Wellinger). Afterwards the trio are told to keep quiet otherwise they will all suffer the wrath of the family’s power.

It’s far from over for Kerry though as she discovers she is pregnant, the plan all along. The family plan to kill the child as one of the sacrifices to the demon as their blood runs through its veins.

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David is ordered to carry it out. Keeping Kerry close and safe while also making sure she stays in line. However, he begins to fall for her and as the baby’s birth arrives, he finds himself conflicted.

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It’s not a bad concept and the story is told decently but it’s just a bit boring. Once the big reveal happens, we’re left with nothing but filler story wrapped around Kerry and David’s relationship. Everything feels muted and dark, which does fit with the story but doesn’t excite the eyes. The same can be said for the cast, a mostly competent bunch. At times though, they seem as though they’re just going through the motions and there is no real passion to anything.

This really comes to the boil at the finale too. A very disappointing ending that feels very rushed. It all just happens and you’re left thinking…is that it?

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There’s plenty of atmosphere in Blood Bound and even some gory visuals during an oddly placed demon slaughter scene in the woods. However, this is not enough to turn the movie into anything memorable. Enjoyable enough but it will be quickly forgotten afterwards.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Blood Bound
  • The Final Score - 6/10
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