Game Review: Murder Hornet (Mobile – Free to Play)

Earlier this year, the media briefly interrupted their non-stop coverage of the developing and world-affecting pandemic to scare the shit out of everyone even more. Asian giant hornets, which is mostly native to parts of Asia and given the affectionate nickname of ‘murder hornets’, were on the way to ravage the Western world.

As it often the case these days, the only lasting thing that came from the ‘arrival’ of murder hornets were the memes. Months later, it’s all but forgotten about until Lion Studios saw the free to play potential of it.

Called Murder Hornet and self-described as a bee sting simulator’, it’s a chance for players to cause some chaos. Provided players don’t mind watching ads every 10 seconds and to unlock skins.

Yes, this is an insanely ad-heavy game and it detracts heavily from what is a decent enough time waster.

You control a bee and are tasked with stinging a set number of people per level. It’s super simple and there is actually no way to fail. The level only ends when you sting everyone or quit and delete the game. Your reward for completing levels is money which can be spent on increasing your bee’s speed and launch. Other than speeding up the levels, they’re not exactly game changing inclusions.

Where you’ll really want to spend your earned money is on improving your hive.

Spend to change the inside aesthetics and you’ll also start to get more bee buddies that fly with you on levels. Your very own swarm!

You’ll also want to spend your money on changing the skins of your bee and hive but unfortunately these are only available after watching ads. The same goes for playing VIP levels and doubling your money. This seems to be the way to get around players putting their devices on airplane mode. Is it worth it?

No. The game just isn’t that much fun.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Murder Hornet (Mobile - Free to Play)
  • The Final Score - 5.5/10
User Review
5 (1 vote)