Horror Short Review: Class Rules (2020)

From Phil Stainsby and starring Jenna Hutchinson, Lewis Short and Gareth Matthews, Class Rules is a smart horror short with an excellent payoff.

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Two young lads misbehaving in a class get the ire of another classmate who scrolls through her notebook revealing dark and twisted artwork. Paper voodoo dolls so to speak. She stops on one that is incomplete and begins to scribble with a red pen over it causing one of the two misbehaving lads to start to choke and cough up blood.

No-one really reacts in the classroom, until the event is over and the teacher takes the book from the sketching girl. As he flicks through it and everyone else looks on, the payoff will be revealed.

That’s not to be spoiled though as it is very satisfying in a gleefully evil way.

At only 3 minutes long, there’s not a lot to this one but in that short amount of time it creates a horrible reality. There are no scares, at least in the traditional sense and there are no jump attempts, but that just makes Class Rules stand out.

Check it out below.



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Class Rules (2020)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
User Review
7.87/10 (50 votes)