Horror Movie Review: See No Evil (2006)

2 policemen are investigating an abandoned house & discover a woman with her eyes ripped out. Before they can go any further they are attacked by an axe-wielding figure who kills one & chops the arm off the other. The badly injured cop manages to shoot the assailant in the head before losing consciousness.

Four years later this policeman (Frank) survived & now works with youth offenders. With his colleague Hannah they are taking a group to clean up an abandoned hotel so it can be used as homeless shelter. The incentive for the delinquents is a month off their sentences…a good deal.

The Eyes

The hotel is a mess & the group are told to stay away from the top floors as they were badly damaged by a fire. The hotel was a home to the rich & famous before it ended up in its current state. All of this information comes from the kindly current owner, Margaret.

They set about working but unknown to them someone else has been living inside the hotel…

Kane smiling

The psycho from the start of the movie now lives here & has been killing the homeless that have been using it. He is played by WWE Superstar Kane & is a formidable beast picking people up with ease & appearing incredibly dominant. Thankfully this is way more than just a slasher horror with characters getting time to tell a backstory (some more than others) & it was refreshing to see characters avoid clichés at certain points in the film.

Kane picking up girls

The quality of acting ranges from great to average & credit has to be given to Kane who has to do his role with next to no lines. His expressions & reactions is what make his character more than just your average killer. Throw in an interesting religious abuse backstory & there is plenty of depth in this movie.

In a cage

The violence & gore is pretty intense…it all has that realistic look & feel that just makes you grimace slightly. Kane smashes one of the characters heads into the roof & matted hair & blood remains. The ripping out of eyes, forcing of phones down throats & general nastiness is never played down. It’s welcoming considering this is a WWE movie.


The deaths are inventive at times with one in particular standing out…the drop/smashed arm/dogs dinner one is on stand up & applause levels. It’s nasty & will make you shudder.

The film does begin to drag once the twist has been revealed & the added supernatural element left me feeling a little cold.

Naked butt

A good movie that doesn’t bring anything new to the horror table but does avoid many of the clichés we often see, worth watching for the uber violence alone.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

See No Evil
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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7.49/10 (15 votes)
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