Horror Short Review: Serbian Dancing Lady Pool (2024)

It’s fair to say that with Serbian Dancing Lady Pool, Alex Magaña’s ACMofficial has drained this particular well. The series hasn’t exactly wowed, but this ‘twist’ on the formula is the worst yet. You can read our reviews of the series so far, below.

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Serbian Dancing Lady
Serbian Dancing Lady 2
Serbian Dancing Lady 3
Serbian Dancing Lady 4

Two young women are enjoying a late evening at a pool, with one named Sophia (Cassandra Chavez) watching a video of the titular Serbian Dancing Lady on her phone. Emma (Carleigh Jamison) is not impressed, but mainly because she believes there might be some truth to the tale.

Remember, don’t watch her dance without her permission, and if you do, say you’re sorry. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire. Which ends up being the case for these two young women as the Serbian Dancing Woman (Cat Hamm) has arrived.

It plays out like every other entry; except it’s set in and around a pool and has the supernatural villain on screen a bit more. Which is fine, Cat Hamm has great facial expressions after all. However, that’s about all that can be said positively about this poor entry. Bad acting, bad dialogue, a bad ‘emerge out of the pool’ effect that has obviously been reversed, and a pointless fake out ending. It’s time to put the Serbian Dancing Lady series to bed now.


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Serbian Dancing Lady Pool (2024)
  • The Final Score - 3/10
User Review
6.98/10 (5 votes)