Horror Short Review: Netflix and Chill 3 (2024)

The third Netflix and Chill story, Netflix and Chill 3 comes from ACMofficial and horror short creator Alex Magaña. It stars Abigail Fawn as Madison, who is settling down to watch her favourite show with a big bowl of ice cream.

She’s barely had a chance to relax when her phone starts to ring. Answering it, it’s her mother telling her that she won’t be home until late that night. We then see that Madison failed a recent math test, but she lies about it, and then also lies about what she is eating.

Spoilers, but the concept of this series sees a person’s words transforming the world around them, and that happens now with Madison. Her denial of eating ice-cream sees the leftovers her mother put in the microwave appear in her lap. Of course, she is just confused, and doesn’t think too hard about her ice-cream being replaced, choosing to carry on watching her show.

Which leads to the next phone call, and where things get really interesting for Madison. Finding out that her words have consequences, even if she doesn’t understand how.

Netflix and Chill 3 is the best one yet, partially because Abigail Fawn is the best actor of the series so far, and partially because this is a sequel that actually feels like the overall story might be progressing. We still don’t know how or why the power is ‘gifted’ to these characters, but by getting into the meat of the concept earlier, it allows for a few more interesting elements.

Alas, the ending isn’t great. Not because of the mistake Madison makes, which is silly and funny in a small way, but how awkward the line ‘I’m as happy as a clam’ is. Even an actor as solid as Abigail Fawn can’t make that line work well.

Check this one out yourself, below.

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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Netflix and Chill 3 (2024)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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