Horror Movie Review: Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn (2022)
The Baby Oopsie spinoff films have, so far, proven to be both enjoyable and memorable. Taking the spirit of Full Moon’s Demonic Toys franchise, adding in aspects of their Puppet Master franchise, and sprinkling it with the kind of weirdness more associated with the likes of Killjoy and so on.
2021 – Baby Oopsie
2022 – Baby Oopsie 2: Murder Dolls
Once again, William Butler writes and directs, and both Libbie Higgins and Justin Armistead reprise their roles as Sybil and Ray-Ray. They are easily the best parts of these films and continue to showcase really impressive chemistry here. Alas, no amount of goodwill built up can forgive a lacklustre entry and Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn is very lacklustre.
It’s a film where the story has clearly run out of steam, characters are treading water, and the focus is more on saving the soul of Ray-Ray than the antics of Baby Oopsie and his two doll companions. Sybil has well and truly seen the light at this stage and is now desperately trying to do everything she can to stop doll Hell being unleashed on Earth. Alas, the many missing people around her has gotten the attention of a detective, and he is starting to ask questions.
Unfortunately, the original aspects of the film are bogged down by repetitive story beats and even though some minor characters are given more to chew on here, the runtime and budget limitations ensures no-one really gets to do too much. Though that’s expected based off what was witnessed in the last two films. This is Baby Oopsie, a spin-off of the Demonic Toys franchise from Full Moon Pictures. You should know exactly what you’re getting into beforehand with that.
So, why is Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn not being given an easy time? It’s simply because the previous two entries actually offered something. They actually elevated the Demonic Toys franchise, turned Baby Oopsie into a viable threat, and showed what can happen when everyone is putting in the effort. To see an entry like this revert back to the type of Full Moon films where no-one is really trying, is so disappointing.
That’s not to say that Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn is a bad film though, because it’s not. It’s got the same cast doing good things, the ending is fun, the dolls are delightfully foul and the kills/gore are perfectly fine. As a series ender though? It’s very disappointing. Let’s hope that the next time we see Baby Oopsie, a fresh idea comes too.
Baby Oopsie 3: Burn Baby Burn (2022)
The Final Score - 4/10