Bloodstock 2017 Band Feature/Interview: Spyder Byte
Bloodstock is the premier metal festival in the UK, showcasing the cream of rock & metal across a wide spectrum of genres. The 2017 edition takes place from the 10th to the 13th of August. Head over to the festival’s website to find out much more & pick up day tickets, weekend camping tickets have now completely sold out!
The line-up this year is one of the best the festival has ever managed to put together. With a huge range of established & up-and-coming bands spread across the four days. The smallest but often the most exciting stage is the Jagermeister Stage where you can catch Spyder Byte knocking out some hard-rocking riffs.
We’re very proud to bring you an interview with Spyder Byte.
– Nathan Hammond (Spyder Byte bassist)
1. Tell us a bit about yourselves. How’d you get started as a band?
The band originated when most our members were still in school. We had just come out from another band and we decided we wanted to set up another band with a bit more of a vintage sound, which I feel like we have achieved. Connor (drummer), C.C (guitarist) and myself all grew up on old school Hard Rock and Heavy Metal and we wanted to fuse loads of influences together. Connor met our vocalist, Dan, at a local gig to us and asked him to join us, we had our first practice and we were on our way.
However, we needed to fill out our sound so we got in another guitarist and our recent rhythm guitarist, Luke, has been with us for 3 years now. The band have been going 6 years and we feel like we are just getting started as members can drive now, some of us have jobs. We’re finally at a stage where we can start expanding up and down, and outside, of the country. So rest assured, in time, we will be coming for you. Yes, YOU!
2. How are you feeling about playing Bloodstock this year?
Amazing! I’m still pinching myself. We truly feel like we are graced to have been given this amazing opportunity and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone in saying that we are all buzzing to get out and put on a show at one of Britain’s largest metal festivals. It’s going to be a blast and we can’t wait to experience our first Bloodstock and hopefully not out last!
3. What can people expect from your set?
In your face, dirty, gritty, sleazy Hard Rock and Metal. Being one of the lighter bands playing at Bloodstock, we are certain that there will be songs there for everyone. We’ve got everything for you, we’ve got sing along choruses, circle-pitting Thrash inspired Metal and a huge nod to 80’s Glam/Sleaze bands, guaranteed to get you moving one way or another. It’s going to be full on, intense, and energetic, and we want to see you all there!
4. What bands (if any) are you hoping to check out while you’re there?
Oh god, how long have you got?! My personal must-sees for this years Bloodstock include: Blind Guardian, Testament, Decapitated, Kreator, Municipal Waste, Hatebreed, Havok, Fallujah, Hell, Obituary, Wintersun, Wretched Soul, Switchblade City, Twisted Illusion… There’s so many more! It’s just such a solid line up this year!
5. What’s the future plans for the band?
So recently Spyder Byte have been on tour up and down the UK. Our first tour in the 6 years that we have been going for. We have played Southampton, Newcastle, Birmingham, Nottingham, Bristol, Brighton, Kent, and London, rounding it off perfectly with Bloodstock coming up in August. We have also begun working on the demos and guide tracks for our second E.P that will hopefully be released before the end of the year.
We’ve got some tasty gigs coming up soon, including Bloodstock, and we are constantly developing and thinking of ways we can do it bigger and better in the next year!