Album Review: Knife the Glitter – Knife the Glitter (Party Smasher Inc./Husaria Records)

Knife the Glitter recently released their one & only album in late December. The self-titled record was 8 years in the making and marks the final chapter for the band, which features members of The Dillinger Escape Plan, John Frum and Intensus.

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It’s taken Knife the Glitter 8 years to get this album out but it has been worth the wait. The self-titled release is a wild medley of hardcore & progressive sounds. 9 tracks of contained insanity that has all the unsettling edge of a Dillinger album.

The lack of vocals doesn’t dent the impact Idiot City, Gargle Clamp and Bumble Bee Infant have. The intensity of the guitars & drums puts you in mind of a group of cavemen smashing the living hell out of this strange & scary thing.

Amongst all the chaos though exists a riviting amount of hooks. This is an album that gets under the skin drawing blood. Highly Electric Squirrel is a highlight with its classic sounding guitar whines & screeches.

Knife the Glitter may not have a future but in the here & now they’ve left an impression. It would be so easy for an album like this to slip into a mess of disjointed riffs but the band hold it together so well. It’s a blur of wicked rhythmic gold that never stays on one particular path for too long. Such as the hard rocking efforts of The Plum Curtain & the jazzy, upbeat moments of Permanent Baby Snowpants.

One of the more pleasurable things about the record is how it effortlessly slides from hard rock beats to thumping metal & back again. There’s an incredible amount of diversity but again, it never feels lost or out of place.

It’s with genuine sadness that the album comes to a close with one last wild but focused attack. The Snake Charmer’s Anthem seeing Knife the Glitter off in a hail of wacky riffing, uncomplicated effects & rolling drum beats.

Much appreciated, gents.

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Knife the Glitter – Knife the Glitter Full Track Listing:

1. Idiot City
2. Gargle Clamp
3. Bumble Bee Infant
4. Highly Electric Squirrel
5. The Plum Curtain
6. Permanent Baby Snowpants
7. Kid Colossal
8. Barnabas
9. The Snake Charmer’s Anthem



You can pick up the album now via Bandcamp, via Husaria Records here and find out all you need to know about the band on Facebook.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Knife the Glitter - Knife the Glitter (Party Smasher Inc./Husaria Records)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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