Single Slam: Kiss and Tell by Angels and Airwaves

You have to wonder just where Angels & Airwaves belong in 2019. The height of their popularity was many years ago and after a pretty long time (6 years) away, it’s not like crowds were crying out for their return. Especially as since the last Angels and Airwaves album, Blink 182 has had a resurgence in popularity with Matt Skiba taking over from Tom DeLonge.

Of course this isn’t a Blink 182 review but it’s hard to talk about Angels & Airwaves without having the very obvious association mentioned. Especially as the two bands are both releasing new music at the moment.

Rebel 1

After an ‘alright’ single release with Rebel Girl, it’s not as though there’s much in the way of excitement for what the new will bring. However, there is hope for something that can sit alongside We Don’t Need to Whisper and I-Empire after hearing this new single, Kiss & Tell.

Very much an Angels & Airwaves track, Kiss & Tell sees the band keep things straight-forward and very fan pleasing. Everything is here, the spacey effects…the trippy backing to Tom DeLonge’s vocals, the simple but effective riffs and the catchy as hell choruses. It’s unbelievably Angels & Airwaves so if you’ve never been a fan, you’re not going to have your mind changed here.

However, their is no arguing with the catchy pop-punk/rock vibes this track gives off. It’s very hard to not tap the foot or nod the head along.

Far from the best Angels & Airwaves have ever released, it’s still nice to see the band on the much surer footing here.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Kiss and Tell by Angels and Airwaves
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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