Single Slam – A Frozen Heart by Buried and Gone (The Final Hour)

Buried and Gone, hailing from Kuopio/Oulu in Finland, have released a single from their upcoming debut album. The single is called A Frozen Heart was released on the 21st of August and is available on all digital platforms. A Frozen Heart will feature on The Final Hour which is due for released digitally on the 27th of September via Inverse Records.

Buried and Gone are Niklas Tihinen and Markus Orava. Markus is the vocalist while Niklas looks after the drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and backing vocals. The Final Hour, their debut, was recorded in winter 2016-2017 in Niklas’ home studio in Kuopio. Markus’ vocals was recorded in BRR-musiikki, Raahe. Mixing and mastering is the work of Joni Tanskala and the cover art is from Aki Pistemaa.

Frozen Heart

The Final Hour features ten tracks in total and you can see the full track list below this article. A Frozen Heart is our first taste though. It is 3 minutes long and starts off with  seriously cool guitar lead and steady drum rhythm. The rhythm played out has an almost power metal feel with the soaring guitar and the feeling of ascendancy you get. The guitars drop back to a pretty simple sounding riff and the vocals join in. They are cleanly sung though with a gruff edge and short verses are separated by a little variation in the riff.

The backing vocals come in creating some wonderful sounding harmonies and the guitar leads start taking the initiative again. A Frozen Heart is definitely a guitar driven song – they are at the forefront in most parts playing soaring leads and NWOBHM styled riffs. Throughout the track there are numerous excellent riffs and accompanying drum beats. There are some parts that seem a little off though, mainly in the bridges between sections where they don’t always seem to flow. Instead feeling like a bit of a stop and restart. Maybe that was purposely done though I am not sure I like it.

For the most part though it is a nice track. The vocals are good and the drums are excellent. The guitars stand out as the best part for me though with some excellent riffs and leads. A Frozen Heart is a catchy song which is just missing a little something to elevate from good to great. It is good though and that is enough for me to enjoy it and look forward to hearing more from The Final Hour.

Check our A Frozen Heart for yourself here. Be sure to pick up The Final Hour on the 27th of September and you can pick up more from Inverse Records at their store or at the Amazon link below. Find out more about Buried and Gone from their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Give them a Like and a Follow while you are there too.

1. Buried Within Me…
2. A Frozen Heart
3. Murder
4. Starting Over
5. You´re No God
6. Seek To Find
7. End Of The World
8. Not Another Word
9. The Final Hour
10. Lay With Me

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  • Owner/Editor/Writer/YouTuber - Heavy Metal and reading, two things I have always loved so they are the two areas you will find most of my reviews. Post apocalyptic is my jam and I always have a book on the go and have for decades now. From a metal perspective, age has softened my inadequacies and I now operate with an open mind, loving many bands from many sub genres but having a particular admiration for the UK underground scene. In my other time, when not focused on Dad duties and work, I try to support the craft beer movement by drinking as much of it as I can and you will also find me out on the streets, walking. I love walking, I love exploring new places and snapping nature photos as I go.

A Frozen Heart by Buried and Gone (The Final Hour)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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