Horror Movie Review: Till Death (2021)

Directed by S.K. Dale in his directorial debut, from a screenplay by Jason Carvey. Till Death is a horror/thriller that stars Megan Fox, Callan Mulvey, Eoin Macken, Aml Ameen and Jack Roth.

Megan Fox plays Emma and we’re introduced to her as she ends the affair she has been having her co-worker (Aml Ameen). It’s the sort of introduction that might make you think her character is one you’ll find to be wholly unlikable but actually, that’s not the case.

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You see, Emma is in a miserable marriage alongside her wealthy lawyer husband (Eion Macken) and it’s their anniversary. The pair are like icicles together and Emma’s body language around her husband should tell you that this marriage is over. Regardless, they go to dinner, exchange gifts and head to their isolated holiday house in the wintery country. That night they sleep together and Emma seems to want to believe her husband’s promises of doing better.

So, when she wakes up in the morning to find herself handcuffed to him, she is naturally a bit surprised. That turns to shock and horror as he takes a gun and shoots himself in the head. Covered in his blood, ears ringing… she tries to make sense of what just happened.

Once the shock has passed, she realises she is handcuffed to a body and the house is freezing. There is no key, no more bullets in the gun and as she drags the corpse around the house, she discovers that her husband has planned all of this. Not only that, he has invited a guest… someone from her past.

Who and why? You’ll have to watch yourself to find out as the less spoiled about this great tension filled movie, the better.

Let’s talk about Megan Fox. A big-name actor who is loved by many and hated by many others (unfairly). She has a good horror under her name in Jennifer’s Body and this one can be added to that short list now.

She’s really good here, playing the vulnerable victim who isn’t squeaky clean, put into a situation that calls on her to dig deep. While some of her dialogue is a bit iffy here and there, Emma is a character you can get behind. The physicality of a lot of her scenes are incredible and her situation more than believable. Which is such an important aspect as you’d expect her to try everything possible to free herself from the corpse then get out of the house, so she does.

Her situation evolves and the danger becomes even more present. The film is packed with tense scenes and how Megan Fox portrays that is impressive. A lot of the tension can also be attributed to the excellent location, miles and miles of wintery snow. It looks so cold that you can feel it. The subtle sound effects, the wind playing a major factor, adds to that.

As it goes on, it ramps up and survival becomes a battle for Emma. You’ll find yourself cheering her on, especially as the past really comes back to bite, not just her but her dead husband too.

Till Death is a good movie. One that isn’t doing anything particularly original but has such a tight script, it feels quite original. The solid cast, good effects (some practical blood and gore here too) and setting just adds so much gravitas to the situation.


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Till Death
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
User Review
8.24/10 (5 votes)