Feature/Interview: David Rosen (Bus Party to Hell)

Bus Party to Hell sees a group of young people break down in the middle of desert while on their way to Burning Man. It’s not the arid conditions they need to be worried about though but rather the Mad Max style Satanists outside.

A movie that is filled with graphic violence, sex, nudity and black comedic moments. Bus Party to Hell rises above a glutton of mediocre straight to Video on Demand movies with a sense of quality and flare. You can read our full review here.

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The main theme song ‘Party Bus To Hell’ was composed by David Rosen and recently made available as a free download on his Soundcloud page.

Also prominently featured in the film are his songs ‘Burnout’ (during the big digging for the key scene) which is on his album Head Like Fire and is available on CD Baby, Amazon, Apple Music and all major digital music stores.

[amazon_link asins=’B01M5KBFT8,B01M7YLR0U,B01M7YJMR3,B01MD2JRON’ template=’UseThisOne’ store=’g0e5b-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’c52e3ebc-529f-11e8-97b7-099411629e5d’]

Also ‘Scarecrow’ (during the blood orgy) which is available on my free album …Like Ashes on my Bandcamp page.

David Rosen has a new album coming out on May 18th called A Different Kind Of Dream. His music is mainly instrumental mixing genres ranging from industrial and alternative to ambient and film score style music.




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1. How did you get involved in Party Bus to Hell?

I had worked with the producers of Bus Party To Hell, the Mahal Brothers on their previous film Last Day Of School (I also did the theme song for that one). They’re based out of Las Vegas like me and we’d always been running into each other at film events so it was only a matter of time before we worked together.

2. Have you see it? What do you think?

I got to attend the first Premiere Screening here in Las Vegas back in October 2017 and it was so much fun. All the stars including Tara Reid were there plus all the local Las Vegas people who worked on the film. And it’s really one of those movies that works best with a crowd. These kind of over-the-top, ridiculous kind of movies are best for drunken midnight screenings with a packed crowd all going nuts and it totally lived up the title. I’ve watched it once at a home too and I’m happy to say it’s still a lot of fun at home.

3. Tell us a bit about your new album.

My new album A Different Kind of Dream is the beginning of a new strategy with my music. Musically speaking, I’m still making instrumental music that blends together film score, electronica, alternative and industrial music like I did on my last three albums… But now I’m planning on release music on a much faster pace than I ever had before.

I used to work, work, work until I had at least 15-20 great songs ready (plus some extras), album artwork, music videos, a release strategy, new press photos, press release… All the stuff that goes into an album release… Release it… Promote it… And then it would take 2-3 years to get all that going again.

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I’m kicking off the new plan with these first ten tracks on A Different Kind of Dream, but once they’re released, I may follow it up immediately with another single, possibly an EP or two of like 4 or 5 more songs… Maybe a few more singles, maybe even another 10 song album… I’m basically not sticking to the formula anymore and I have a feeling that with the way the music business is nowadays, it’s going to lead to a lot more people listening to my music.

4. What other films have you worked on and what are you most proud of?

I’m really proud of Bus Party To Hell because it’s such a fun movie and it’s gotten such a great reaction… I’m also really proud of a short film I scored last year called “Croak” which features a giant frog and lots of gore. It was a really fun one. I’ve worked on a ton of short films, as well as music videos for my album tracks and a couple more features. One called “Better Criminal” wasn’t completely my score but did use a lot of my music, similar to how it worked with Bus Party To Hell.

5. What are some of your favourite horror movies?

When it comes to horror I’m more of a gore fan than anything… The Evil Dead series, Dead Alive… Stuff like that… I also have a funny side project called MC Randumb & Jewish Dave who did a horror themed comedy-rap album called Songs In The Key Of Murder a few years back that really wears its inspirations in the world of horror on its sleeve. We may or may not be doing a sequel sometime soon… But first I gotta release all of this great instrumental music I’m working on!


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

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