EP Review: Coagulate – The Art of Cryptosis (Rotted Life)

Coming from Rotted Life on April 3rd, 2020, the debut demo from Coagulate sounds more like it sprouted from Helsinki rather than their native Minneapolis. Either way, the 4 tracks of The Art of Cryptosis deliver a particularly virulent strain of death metal. A must for fans of: Demilich, Adramelech, Phlebotomized etc.



Sometimes it’s fine to not be surprised when you hit play. Sometimes it is fine to just have your expectations met. Which is very much the case with Coagulate’s The Art of Cryptosis. A four-track extreme metal EP where expectations are for something flesh-ripping and face-tearing and that is exactly what we get.

A spiteful and vicious set of songs, if it’s not the guttural vocals slicing strips off the skin then it’s the guitars digging chunks of flesh out. All while the drums offer up the rusty tool to make for a complete agonising experience.

A severe listen, perhaps what makes The Art of Cryptosis so much more intense is that these brutalities aren’t short experiences. Coagulate want you to feel every second of the suffering they dish out here.

Coagulate – The Art of Cryptosis Full Track Listing:

1. Fascist Dissection
2. 18th Parallel Succubus Masquerading Transcendence to Divinity (Liar Upon the Cross)
3. Beneath Cruciform Hills
4. Protoplasmic Ensnarement (The Draining of Your Flesh)


Bandcamp | Rotted Life


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Coagulate - The Art of Cryptosis (Rotted Life)
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
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