Album Review: The Lightbringer – From The Void To Existence (Self Released)

The Lightbringer is at its third offering. Following the majestic and complex Heptanity album released in 2017, where the greatness of the 7 primordial deities was honored, the band is about to present a new conceptual album. This time, a way darker, profound, and mysterious dimension is explored: the Void. From the Void to Existence tells the tale of cosmogony, of a fantastic universe from an immemorial time, where the spirits have awakened from the eternal abyss.

From the Void to Existence will be released on July 17th 2020.

One of the more surprising things about The Lightbringer’s new album is how short many of tracks are. The overall 10 tracks coming in at around 28 minutes and nearly 10 of those come from the last two tracks. It’s quite unheard of to see such a concise melodic metal album, especially one with a concept.

It raises the question about whether such short tracks are fully able to embrace an epic blend of symphonic, atmospheric and melodic black metal. However, this is an album that really should be approached as one individual story with small detours to the narrative here and there. Aside from the finale, which is a cover, The Lightbringer’s new effort dribbles and bleeds from one track to another almost seamlessly every time.

Looking at it as one complete package, the epic is felt and very much delivered by this band. Sombre melodies, breakneck blasts of heaviness, operatic vocals blended with bloodying black metal howls, expansive gothic atmosphere, hellish horror darkness and airy glows.

The detail in the album is immense and it will capture the imagination to some degree. However, it is just lacking a little something extra that could take it from a very good album to a great album.

The Lightbringer – From the Void to Existence Full Track Listing:

1. From The Void
2. The First Flickers Of Thought
3. Sparks Of Will
4. The Awakening
5. Desecration Of The Void
6. The Seal Of Annihilation
7. Enchantment
8. Crystallization
9. To Existence
10. Caravansary (Kitaro Cover)




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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

The Lightbringer - From The Void To Existence (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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