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Interview: Paradis (Written)

Highly rated Londoners, Paradis, unleash their blistering self-titled debut EP on Friday 20th September. Before then, the Brit metalcorers release their explosive new single and video, ‘Walking Aberration’, which arrives on Friday 13th September. We spoke to Paradis to learn a little bit more about them and their plans.

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1. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to chat to us. First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started.

Thanks for having us, Paradis was started by the five of us after we had all worked in bands together that had unfortunately not worked out. We had all enjoyed playing together and formed a brand new band with the intention of this being the one.

2. Someone comes to you and asks you to sum up what kind of music you play – what do you tell them?

We like to describe ourselves as modern metalcore. Big riffs and huge choruses with theatrical elements thrown in to give the listeners a reason to come back.

3. What’s currently going on in your camp? New releases? Tours? Etc.

Our latest single Immortal released on the 26th July, with a full Ep following on the 20th September. We have a string of shows booked to promote it and are hard at work filling our calendar for the future.

4. What has been the most positive experience of making music to date for you?

Seeing all our songs come to fruition after months and months of writing was a special experience. All the ideas that had been floating around being made sense of and made into an EP we are truly proud of will definitely be a memory that will stay with us.

5. Likewise, what has been some of the more challenging aspects and how have you overcome them?

Being 5 adults with work commitments and social lives, it can be difficult to organise ourselves. We have overcome this by being very proactive in communicating with eachother and keeping everything marked down on our calendar. A challenge to be sure, but one that is worth it to continue playing music together.

6. How do you handle the modern expectations of being in a band? Always online, having to put out content constantly, your success measured in likes and follows?

It is definitely a different world to how the music industry used to work. We plan out content weeks or months in advance to keep up with the demand. It is always a joy to get notifications on our social media that we have new followers, it means that someone out there has liked our content and we get to see it directly.

7. What’s something that really ‘grinds your gears’ about the industry/business these days and what would you propose is done to combat it?

Spotify and other streaming sites are a necessity for bands these days to get their music out there, but every band is just a drop in the ocean due to the ease of getting your music on the service. I would like to see Spotify launch more programs to help highlight smaller bands.

8. Speaking directly to listeners – what would you ask they do to help support your music?

As standard as the answer is, the best thing you can do is to follow us, stream our music, and like and comment on our posts to please the almighty algorithm.

9. Outside of the music, what’s do you do to relax?

Jonny – Speaking for myself, I love to relax by finding a good video game to blast through, JRPGs being the favourite genre, but I can play pretty much any genre that is thrown at me.

10. Where can people find you?

You can check us out on the below links:

Spotify | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!