Horror Short Review: Transmission (2017)

Written and directed by Varun Raman & Tom Hancock, Transmission stars James Hyland, Michael Shon and Kelby Keenan. It’s a disturbing and disorientating watch that will leave you feeling delightfully cold at the end.

Opening with a nod towards aversion therapy (think A Clockwork Orange) we’re introduced to Leonard (Michael Shon) who is in a bit of predicament. He is being held seemingly against his will in some form of bunker by Dr. Sam (James Hyland). A despicable man, his reasons for holding Leonard are unclear and Hyland really nails the maniacal nature of a man who can turn in an instant. One minute kind and caring, the other twisted and evil.

Transmission 1

Leonard’s only comfort is for him to escape into his own mind and his memories but Dr. Sam constantly pulls the rug out form under him. Seen at its best during a tense dinner scene. It’s only when Leonard signs on the dotted line to be cured does he get his ‘freedom’. Even then the psychotic doctor expects a handshake! It’s staggeringly tense stuff.

Transmission 2

It being shot on 35mm gives it a visual flair that adds much to the creativity on show here. From static shots to a dizzying circling around of Leonard, it leaves you feeling as desperate as the poor captive is. All backed up by a wonderfully dystopian score.

Michael Shon doesn’t say a word throughout but gives a fantastic performance showcasing desperation, defeat and eventually hope with just his face and body. James Hyland is the standout though…a chilling performance.


Head here to watch it yourself.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Transmission (2017)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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