GBHBL’s Top 20 Live Performances of 2023

It’s been a fantastic year for live music. So many great shows, and so many great performances that we found it impossible to simply do a top 10. So, we’ve gone bigger. As is the yearly tradition, here is our top 20 live performances of 2023. Two lists, one chosen by Brendan and the other chosen by Carl. Enjoy, and if you prefer the list in video format, you can watch/listen to us talk about them below.

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Number 20 – Brendan
Drownd at Bloodstock 2023

Well here is another new band for me and what an impression they left. I tend to hide away a little bit from anything overly industrial but went to check Drownd out and was blown away but their quality and especially the atmosphere they created. They are clearly a band with a vision and their image, the lights, the darkness in the songs, energy on stage – everything just came together perfectly and I won’t be forgetting them any time soon. In fact, I have found them next to impossible to forget, like they have branded my mind. You say Bloodstock 23 to me, these guys are the first image that comes to my mind, every time.

Number 20 – Carl
Drownd at Bloodstock 2023

They were a sight to behold on the New Blood stage. I freaking loved this, weird and wonderful industrial metal that is surprisingly heavy at times. It was one of the highlights of the New Blood stage over the weekend and I’ll remember ‘Daniel Garcia dancing’ with my wife to their music for some time yet.

Number 19 – Brendan
Skies Turn Black at Bloodstock 2023

Skies Turn Black were high octane, fun to watch and played catchy as hell music. Having a bright pink keytar on stage adds to the visual appeal but it was more than just little moments. Watching them throw themselves around, the multiple vocalists, the strong harmonising. It showcased a band with loads of talent, and I got to see This Too Shall Pass as well so I left very pleased and it goes down as one of my favourite performances of 2023.

Number 19 – Carl
Curse These Metal Hands at ArcTanGent 2023

Time for something really different with Curse These Metal Hands, something that ended up being one of the best shows of the festival. Made up of members of Conjurer and Pijn, you know you’re in for a good time when they come out to a supercut of the different band name suggestions Jez and Super-Hans had in Peep Show and wearing t-shirts that parody a famous butter but with the words ‘I can’t believe it’s not Baroness’.

I’m sure Baroness would be all in on the joke, although Curse These Metal Hands flirt dangerously close with getting a ‘cease a desist’ letter with their sound at times. It’s one of those great shows that will have many saying “where you there when…”

Number 18 – Brendan
Sepultura at Bloodstock 2023

Staying at Bloodstock now with what for me was the biggest crowd of the festival (I left before Megadeth) with watchers not far off being by the New Blood Stage, Sepultura reminded everyone exactly why they are one of the most iconic names and bands in metal. There aren’t many bands that can boast a back catalogue like theirs and with the man mountain frontman of Derrick Green sounding brilliant, they created a mass of writhing bodies in a mosh pit that far extended the normal barriers of a mosh pit. Such power, groove and punch as they rattled through songs that extended across the whole of Sepultura’s existence. This looked headliner worthy to me and was one of my favourite performances of 2023.

Number 18 – Carl
Rotting Christ at Incineration Fest 2023 (13/05/23)

There’s a reason why everyone is here for this band and why the venue stays rammed right up until the very end. Rotting Christ don’t put on bad performances and might be the most ‘epic’ band of the entire day. Their brand of black metal is uniquely captivating and they pummel the ears for 50 minutes straight. Barely pausing for a breath, their music is made for big stages and loud crowds, which is exactly what we get here. It’s so satisfying that there’s a palatable sense of disappointment when it ends.

Number 17 – Brendan
Dakesis at AoniaFest V, The Corporation, Sheffield (24/06/23)

AoniaFest often gives me a few of the most memorable performances in a year and there were a few close calls for this year’s list (special shout out to Novacrow who could also easily have made it in to this list) but I have chosen Dakesis who absolutely killed it at the festival. Stunning vocals, mesmerising guitars, good positive energy and a collection of killer tracks made for a supreme performance that seemed to pass all to quick, even with those longer songs in the mix. They are such a talented group and so enjoyable to watch perform.

Number 17 – Carl
Empire Warning at Coalition Fest, New Cross Inn, London (02/09/23)

Empire Warning are one of the day’s tightest bands, their groove metal sound is on point and the atmosphere is electric. Something the band clearly feel too as they go for, and manage to get, a small wall of death going. A highlight of their set and the entire day.

Number 16 – Brendan
Ofnus at Bloodstock 2023

I knew a little about Ofnus before going to see them but had never seen them live but wow. These guys killed it, sounding absolutely huge, and really, probably too huge for the stage. It was a late evening Sophie Stage level of performance for a band on the New Blood Stage. The talent on show was amazing with all musicians killing it and the vocals, just mind blowing in their force and emphasis. I loved every second of it and they made a new fan in me for sure and gave me one of my most memorable performances of the whole year.

Number 16 – Carl
Aonia at Aoniafest V, The Corporation, Sheffield (24/06/23)

The operatic progressive headliners, who bring one of the most energised shows of the day to leave everyone exhausted, but content. They’ve always been an impressive band, not just because of those two voices, but because of the overall talent in the ranks. Yet, there was something new here. Something that told those watching that Aonia hadn’t been sitting around twiddling their thumbs since AoniaFest IV.

We’re not just talking about the new songs either. Although it was mightily pleasing to hear something new as we’ve been patiently awaiting the follow-up to The Seven for some time now. We’re talking about how they performed and how they interacted with the attendees. Looking way more confident and comfortable than ever before, Aonia feel bigger.

Number 15 – Brendan
Ambrius at Bloodstock 2023

I knew literally nothing of Ambrius before going across to watch them and they ended up being one of the bands I left most impressed by. I loved their style, sound and energy and was really enjoying it as pretty standard but quality metal anyway and then, suddenly the vocalist started taking control and hitting some serious highs. My jaw dropped. I was gobsmacked, the sudden blending of traditional, power and heavy metal all combining gloriously and winning me over. I had a blast and they made a new fan of me with one of my favourite performances of the year.

Number 15 – Carl
Street Soldier at Bloodstock 2023

What a f**king blast this was. I don’t always get on with hardcore but Street Soldier are a special band. Oozing positivity and confidence that betrays their time together, they smash heads and break bones in what turns out to be not enough time on stage. The pit is filth, it’s no secret that I hate all that two-step/fist swinging bulls**t, but I can’t help but admire the number that are going apes**t for this band. Rarely do I leave a hardcore show with a silly grin on my face, but that’s Street Soldier for you.

Number 14 – Brendan
Aonia at AoniaFest V, The Corporation, Sheffield (24/06/23)

I have yet to experience a bad performance by Aonia, such is their power and presence on stage and here, at I think my fourth time of seeing them, they excelled once again. It has been a year since I last saw them, at the fourth iteration of this wonderful one-day festival in Sheffield, but they seemed to have an extra air of confidence on the night. Musically as tight and together as they always are but also armed with some very welcome new music too, it was yet another memorable Aonia performance and possibly their most impressive to date.

Number 14 – Carl
Saor at Uprising 6 at The O2 Academy, Leicester (29/04/23)

Saor’s heart-wrenching and heavy sound is simply stunning in the live environment and their entire show is captivating. Some tears were shed here, but mainly, many heads were banged too.

Number 13 – Brendan
Dead Label at Bloodstock 2023

I said at the time that sometimes I forget how good these guys are. I don’t know why. I don’t know what it is they need to do to be more at the forefront of people’s minds. It’s certainly nothing wrong musically, which is exactly why they are in this list because every single time I see Dead Label, I am reminded about how good they are. They were really strong, full of heavy groove and catchy beats. They energised the crowd, energised me, and had the floor bouncing. An eager crowd, even in the light rain were clearly into it, we even had a slippery and muddy wall of death to wake everything up quite early in the day. Once again, Dead Label performed wonderfully and displayed the qualities of a band that should be pushing for the very top spots at festivals.

Number 13 – Carl
Waterlines at Bloodstock 20233

The idea initially being to watch a couple of tracks, then grab a drink and get myself ready for Drownd on the New Blood stage. I ended up watching, headbanging, linking arms and bouncing back and forth with others to the surprise set of the weekend. Not because I was unaware of Waterlines’ quality, they’re a banging band, but because they brought everything to this show and then some more. This was star-making stuff and there is no way the Bloodstock organisers couldn’t have noticed what they did on this stage. Waterlines made an impact and left a big impression, one of the best shows of the entire weekend.

Number 12 – Brendan
Tortured Demon at Bloodstock 2023

Amazing, yet again. A band we think are singlehandedly the reason for Bloodstock having to extend the size of the Jagermeister stage, Tortured Demon are a popular booking, and the tent is heaving and deservedly so. What maybe years back started with intrigue due to the ages of the band members, has turned into appreciation for a collective that release quality metal and are known for intense and energetic live performances. They didn’t disappoint, getting an eager crowd going in a set that will live long in the memory. This band are destined for the very top and I guess seeing as they were too big for the Jager, and you couldn’t move in the Sophie – well, there is just one stage left that might actually hold their adoring fans.

Number 12 – Carl
Conjurer at ArcTanGent 2023

The ever-mighty and lovable Conjurer. A band that never fails to get our hearts pounding and our heads banging. Conjurer we’re immense and it’s stunning to see how much of a well-oiled machine they have become live, reflecting the progression they have had on record. It’s one of those shows where had they played for another hour, we’d have been happy as it really is over far too soon.

Number 11 – Brendan
King Dude at Incineration Fest 2023 (13/05/23)

In some ways, I still don’t really know what to make of King Dude fully but, when I think back on my most memorable and enjoyable live shows of this year, this has to make the cut. It was odd, it was unique, and you couldn’t possibly turn your eyes away for a second. My first time seeing them, and it also being the last time due to the band calling it a day, it adds another layer of “special” to the show. The auctioning off of gear at the end, the conversations and banter, and some damn good and interesting music too. Very strange experience over all but an experience I really enjoyed it and won’t forget.

Number 11 – Carl
Red Method at Coalition Fest, New Cross Inn, London (02/09/23)

A band that should no introduction and a band that never disappoints. Controlling the crowd like no other band, causing chaos and carnage, while also having a chorus of voices singing along to their more melodic moments. It’s an immense showing from the group. This is Red Method, and they are one the countries’ finest bands.

Number 11 – Brendan
Urne at Bloodstock 2023

Immense performance from Urne. It really was, and they just impress me more and more with each time I see them. The three-piece manage to create a huge and powerful wall of sound that is supremely heavy, dark and emotional. The new stuff from A Feast On Sorrow sounded charged and hit with a hammer fist of emotional heaviness while songs from Serpent & Spirit have real impact, as they always do. Urne delivered one of the most memorable sets across the whole of that Bloodstock weekend and should be immensely proud of themselves and the impression they left on many people we spoke to. Easily one of my favourite performances of the year.

Number 10 – Carl
Mastiff (supporting Avatar) at the O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London (25/02/2023)

Avatar Dance Devil Dance Tour 5

Mastiff do exactly what we would have hoped for, just smashing it out of the park in an intense and aggressive set. Not only is it so heavy, it’s so intense, and they look like they belong on a stage this big.

Number 9 – Brendan
Rotting Christ at Incineration Fest 2023 (13/05/23)

In what was definitely the most jam-packed crowd for a performance from any band on any stage at Incineration Festival, Rotting Christ showed why they could easily be headlining shows like this. The Electric Ballroom was heaving- and Rotting Christ delivered as you would expect from a seasoned band that just don’t do bad shows. They are so consistent and sound phenomenal here yet again playing a whole heap of popular songs full of atmosphere and darkness to a crowd that didn’t seem to lose a single watcher through to the last note of the last song. I love these guys and admire Sakis massively so just seeing them was going to make it a great show, but then getting to see them really fired up with an energetic crowd made it comfortably one of my favourite showings of this year.

Number 9 – Carl
Imperium at Coalition Fest, New Cross Inn, London (02/09/23)

It’s no surprise that their show is a whirlwind of heads being banged and bodies being moved. Sometimes by force, mostly through the sheer enjoyment of Imperium’s noisy set. All the bands on this bill have bright futures, but Imperium’s might be the most blinding.

Number 8 – Brendan
Gaerea at Bloodstock 2023

One of the bands of the weekend for me at Bloodstock this year, Gaerea absolutely mesmerised me visually and musically. Fully masked, the band look otherworldly. The blackened atmospheric music is so up my street and the vocals are brilliant. Add in the “modern” almost interpretive and very expressive dancing from the frontman and you have a band that have that something a little different about them that could see them go on to very big things. For me, first time seeing them, I just remember mostly being frozen in awe, loving the music, admiring the visuals and becoming a firm fan of the band off the back of this impressive showing.

Number 8 – Carl
MØL at The Underworld, Camden, London (08/05/23)

Their brand of shoegaze, blackgaze, and blackened post metal results in some of the most stunning pieces of music and many of them are on display tonight. Tracks like Fraktur, Serf, Penumbra, Jord, and Photophobic have never sounded so good. The new tracks fitting alongside the beloved older ones perfectly. In fact, the latter of those listed there sounds better live than it does on record as the meatiness reverberates around the Underworld.

They are a stunning band with stunning tracks who deliver a stunning live show… again.

Number 7 – Brendan
Decapitated at Bloodstock 2023

I think these guys are awesome. I’m a big fan and in the few times I have seen them play live, they have never disappointed. Fiery and heavy, they pummelled the crowd in wave after wave of punchy technical death metal. You could see the crowd were loving it but you could also see the band loving it and that is infectious. Decapitated have a strong catalogue to reach into and played tracks from across their whole career to date so I got to see plenty of songs I hadn’t ever heard live before. Interestingly though, the crowd (and I) seemed more into the recent, Anticult onwards stuff which is cool as it shows these guys as still having a big future ahead of them, not just a band living on their past. For me though, once again, I left a Decapitated performance feeling elated and satisfied.

Number 7 – Carl
Boss Keloid at Uprising 6 at The O2 Academy, Leicester (29/04/23)

I’ve never seen a bad Boss Keloid show. Hell, I’ve never seen an ‘alright’ Boss Keloid show. They are just that good. A band that simply hypnotises us through their genre-defying music and incredibly charismatic performance. They could have played for two hours and we’d still be asking for more. One of the best bands in the entire world, let alone the UK.

Number 6 – Brendan
Red Method at Coalition Fest, New Cross Inn, London (02/09/23)

Finishing off a wonderful day of heavy metal at this excellent, hopefully repeated, festival of local metal were the headliners Red Method. A band we have seen play a lot but this is the first time since their lineup changes. They don’t seem appear to have lost anything in those changes though. They were as energetic, as aggressive, and as professional as I have ever seen them. Front man, Jeremy, controlled the crowd like a maniacal conductor, the band threw themselves around and a grateful crowd got involved with plenty of pitting, screaming and head banging. Even scrambling around on the floor trying to grab the remnants of the keyboard that got smashed as part of the set. Yet another immense performance from one of the best bands in the UK.

Number 6 – Carl
Wallowing at The New Cross Inn, London (17/05/23)

Wallowing showcase an insane and immersive live show that has to be seen to be believed. From the outfits, to the lighting, to the movements, and of course, the songs, Wallowing are on absolute fire here. On stage, they stomp and jump around like they’re possessed. Expending so much energy that the vocalists genuinely seem exhausted by the end.

They hit the packed out venue with a tidal wave of sci-fi infused extreme metal. Music that combines elements of death, black, doom, punk, industrial, and so on. Encapsulated by a sci-fi dystopian concept that comes through strongly even in the live environment. From beginning to end, it’s ear-drum exploding levels of intensity, and it’s simply brilliant. Wallowing on record is one thing, Wallowing in the flesh is another. Combine the two and you have one of the best things in metal right now.

Number 5 – Brendan
Ghosts of Atlantis (supporting Fear Factory) at The Electric Ballroom, Camden, London (03/11/23)

I saw Ghosts of Atlantis twice this year, I think. This one and a show at The Black Heart as part of their Black Dev one dayer. I chose this as my preferred show as even though I had a blast at The Black Heart, I was very drunk and spent the whole set in the pit under a speaker that left me wondering if Ghosts just sounded a bit off that night or if I was just too drunk and pummelled by that speaker to really fairly say. Here though, it was a short but sweet set of excitement and professionalism. On tour with an iconic band like Fear Factory, you felt this was a great opportunity for GOA and they took full advantage hammering out tracks from both of their albums and just looking like they absolutely belong on these bigger stages. They sounded great, looked the part and now have two albums of quality material to draw upon. It gave me another of those “I’m so proud” moments and I really enjoyed hearing the new material live as well.

Number 5 – Carl
Gaerea at Bloodstock Festival 2023

A band that was one of my personal most anticipated and ended up being one of my favourites of the entire weekend. Black metal, but black metal with style and pomp. It is a captivating performance that proved how they sound on record is just one part of the Gaerea experience. Bring them back ASAP Bloodstock, but put them on the main stage and let them loose. I can just imagine what carnage they could create.

Number 4 – Brendan
Sabaton with BabyMetal and Lordi at Wembley OVO Arena (15/04/2023)

Sabaton Baby Metal Lordi Wembley Arena band 3

Obviously I am talking about Sabaton, but I must commend the whole show. Lordi were fun, Baby Metal were a lot, but exciting, and Sabaton were exactly what I would have expected from them headlining such an occasion. What made it special was it being another first for my daughter. Not quite up there with Avatar, but close. A great song list full old and new favourites, huge theatrics and stage show and a good natured, hyped, and happy crowd, it was very special and left everyone with a real feeling of optimism and positivity running through the air. It was electric, exciting and another where I got to see my daughter living and loving life in these moments and you can’t put a price on that.

Number 4 – Carl
Ithaca at The Dome, Tuffnell Park, London (25/11/23)

Ithaca are on incredible form tonight, playing their seminal album ‘They Fear Us’ in full and making it a very special event overall. Few can deny the brilliance of that release, and it’s more than deserving of getting an airing in full. Especially as Ithaca have perfected how these songs sound in the live environment and each member is performing at their absolute best.

Resulting in chaotic pits, yet everyone has a smile on their face. Which is very much the tone that Ithaca encourage. This is a safe place for everyone, and few bands embody the authentic welcoming spirit as strongly as this band.

Number 3 – Brendan
Zeal and Ardor at Bloodstock 2023

Zeal and Ardor for the 6th time. What can be special about that right? I have already seen the new stuff live (in this same year) so aside from the fact they are at Bloodstock, there shouldn’t be anything that stand out for me this time but somehow, every time, they still manage to make it feel like the first. They are so good live, and I adore their energy and music, but this was special also because I want everyone else to see what I see and love them too. And they did, from what I can tell. Zeal sounded great. A strong track list (but please bring Come On Down back), a live performance and light show that impresses and band members, especially the additional vocalists that are energising to watch. The music is emotional, seeing the crowd cheering so loud Manuel couldn’t properly even say good bye and watching the smile on the band’s face. I felt a huge sense of pride in seeing this performance.

Number 3 – Carl
Din of Celestial Birds ArcTanGent 2023

What a moment. My soul wept through the immense instrumental emotional power of Din of Celestial Birds on the Bixler stage. much feeling is in their music. They were one of my most anticipated bands of the festival and they delivered. This show, and the release of the album, has made it one hell of a year for Din of Celestial Birds.

Number 2 – Brendan
In Flames at Bloodstock 2023

I have been a big fan of melodic death metal for as long as I can remember. I go to a lot of shows, and plenty of festivals and in all of that time, I somehow have never seen In Flames play live so this was a definite bucket list moment for me and with all those moments, you just pray for it to live up to your own inbuilt hype. In Flames were amazing. Vocals were on point, great crowd interaction, glorious sound and a set list that saw them lean on their whole considerable catalogue. I loved every minute of it and can mark another band off of that ever-shrinking bucket list.

Number 2 – Carl
Sugar Horse at ArcTanGent 2023

A band that defies expectations, creating moments of genuine emotion and crushing heaviness in equal measures. Opening the set with Phil Spector in Hell had the tears flowing and from there, it was immense track after immense track.

Number 1 – Brendan
Avatar with Veil of Maya and Mastiff at the O2 Forum, Kentish Town, London (25/02/2023)

Avatar Dance Devil Dance Tour 3

Had to be really. My daughter’s favourite band and first time getting to see them having waited over a year from the original planned date, with a load of family and friends in a great position upstairs at the forum with loads of room around us and a couple great support bands. It was set up to be perfect, and it was. Avatar have once again showed themselves to be the leaders in theatrical metal and were at the very top of their game with a banging set and loads of fun and silly moments but seeing the beaming smile on my daughters’ face means nothing else could top this one in 2023.

Number 1 – Carl
’68 at ArcTanGent 2023

A noise rock duo, the aesthetic of the band is so pleasing to the eye and the sound they make is so addictive. It is an energising and immerse watch, where even a broken string on the guitar in the first 30 seconds can’t stop this being a stunner of a set. I was blown away, left wondering how I had lived my life not knowing this band before.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

  • Brendan Fisher

    Owner/Editor/Writer/YouTuber - Heavy Metal and reading, two things I have always loved so they are the two areas you will find most of my reviews. Post apocalyptic is my jam and I always have a book on the go and have for decades now. From a metal perspective, age has softened my inadequacies and I now operate with an open mind, loving many bands from many sub genres but having a particular admiration for the UK underground scene. In my other time, when not focused on Dad duties and work, I try to support the craft beer movement by drinking as much of it as I can and you will also find me out on the streets, walking. I love walking, I love exploring new places and snapping nature photos as I go.