EP Review: Worn Out – Low (Ripcord Records / Death Farm Records)

Worn Out, the Irish hardcore metal band, continue their impressive rise. Their latest release, an EP called ‘Low’, is set for a digital / vinyl release on August 30th, with a cassette release via Death Farm Records & exclusive UK vinyl distro through Ripcord Records in the UK.

One of the finest modern hardcore bands, utilising metallic elements to enrich their sound, Worn Out have built up one hell of a reputation both on record and in the live environment. Both sides of the band as lauded as the other, because they are the best and brightest of Ireland’s metal scene.

No more proof of this statement is needed than this latest rager of an EP, which starts off so hot and doesn’t cool down for a second. Deeper is the opener and it’s a wild and furious start that seems to get harder and heavier as it goes on. It’s an outrageously good start, but this is an EP with no negative points, and one that does show a more evolved Worn Out sound.

Case in point, Twisting Knives, a more metal-orientated effort with dissonant instrumentals and snarling vocals. Worn Out creating something that seeps in rather than washes over, the tension is thick throughout. Which is something that also crops up in Lose Sleep, although here, Worn Out’s approach is more chaotic. Of the two, it’s the latter that feels more dangerous, but both are equally vicious listens.

Finally, and pointedly, it’s Collapse, and in keeping with the overall theme of the EP, Worn Out exude an inordinate amount of blood, sweat, and tears to bring the listener something that will leave bruises. That it’s a near-six-minute listen is incredible, but that it also happens to be really enthralling, is something else. Few bands would be able to sustain this. Showcasing a total lack of inhibitions when it comes to hardcore and delivering a non-stop barrage of metal heaviness.

It’s so impressive, but that’s Worn Out, an impressive band continuing to do very impressive stuff.

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Worn Out – Low Track Listing:

1. Deeper
2. Twisting Knives
3. Lose Sleep
4. Collapse


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Worn Out - Low (Ripcord Records / Death Farm Records)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
User Review
10/10 (1 vote)