Album Review: Odious Icon – Planet of Immense Decay (Negative Vibe Records)

The Norwegian death/thrash metal trio, Odious Icon will release their debut album Planet Of Immense Decay on the 27th October 2017 via Negative Vibe Records.

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Odious Icon do not mess around, they come absolutely roaring out of the gates with the title track & set about melting your face off with furious riffs, intensely aggressive vocals & a bone-crunching level of heaviness.

It’s utterly brilliant because it’s so well structured, chaotic but so damn rhythmic too. Like an rash that you know you shouldn’t scratch, Bloodbath infects your body demanding submission. The drumming is simply stunning, hard to believe that any human being could bring such intensity to the instrument.

Had enough? Odious Icon don’t care. It’s a constant barrage of ferocity spat out at brutal rate. There is no giving up, just curl into a ball & hope for the best. Don’t forget to thank your tormentors though!

Planet of Immense Decay is a great album. Addictive riffing, fantastic guttural vocals & even the occasional surprise such as the brief but excellent guitar solo on Bleed the Bastards.

With only 8 tracks coming in at 26 minutes, it’s over almost as soon as it begun but that’s no bad thing. Too much of this constant pounding would get tiresome & Odious Icon know when enough is enough. Pick up your teeth, tend to your wounds & prepare yourself for another beating in the future. Be honest…kinda looking forward to it, right?

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Odious Icon – Planet of Immense Decay Full Track Listing:

1. Planet of Immense Decay
2. Bloodbath
3. Clenched Fist
4. Hate
5. Mindkill
6. Bleed the Bastards
7. Tomorrow Shall Die
8. Exsanguination

Planet of Immense Decay will be available via all major streaming services. You can keep up to date via Facebook & Twitter. You can also find out more about Negative Vibe Records on Facebook too.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Odious Icon - Planet of Immense Decay (Negative Vibe Records)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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