Album Review: Mo’ynoq – Dreaming in a Dead Language (Self Released)

From Raleigh, North Carolina emerges Mo’ynoq, an American Black Metal outfit that brandishes feral riffs and a uniquely humid atmosphere. Influenced by the likes of Immortal, Nachtmystium, and Wolves in the Throne Room.

Their debut album, Dreaming in a Dead Language is set to be released on January 11th 2019.

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With screams of true horror, raw and cutting rhythm and a drum style that is hazardous to health, Mo’ynoq kick things off with Empyreal Decay. A devastating assault of black metal that looks to fragment the mind. It’s very, very heavy but its not a waste of energy as the band layer in bleakness as if your life depends on it. There is rhythm tucked away inside too. We’re not talking catchy sing-alongs, just a little more semblance of order.

The Collector and These Once Tranquil Grounds then follow that up by with a stonking mix of black and thrash to create two tracks that soar with evil energy.



Mo’ynoq then take us on a different path with short intermission style track of melody (Doomed to Endure) that bleeds into Carve My Name. While it does resume a normal brutal service shortly it retains a depressing undercurrent of sadness that just hits the right spot.

Dreaming in a Dead Language continues to grow in strength as we hit the penultimate track, Witness to the Abyss and the closer, Buried by Regret. Both tracks are brilliant but it’s the latter and the exquisite guitar solo at the end that really stands out.

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Mo’ynoq – Dreaming in a Dead Language Full Track Listing:

1. Empyreal Decay
2. The Collector
3. These Once Tranquil Grounds
4. Doomed to Endure
5. Carve My Name
6. Witness to the Abyss
7. Buried By Regret

Dreaming in a Dead Language can be ordered via Bandcamp and will be available digitally on release. Find out more over on Facebook and on Instagram.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Mo'ynoq - Dreaming in a Dead Language (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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