Album Review: From Fall To Spring – Rise (Arising Empire)

German nu-metal quintet and viral stars From Fall to Spring will release their debut album, Rise, via Arising Empire on the 14th of April 2023.

The return of the ‘nu’ sound is certainly proving to be divisive. Even as modern, young, and talented bands experiment with ideas to make it their own. Too much leaning into the style of the late 90s and early 00s, and it’s going to sound dated. Experiment too much, and you run the risk of isolating certain potential listener-bases. It’s a tricky balancing act and From Fall to Spring are certainly walking the tightrope here.

Starting off hot and showcasing exactly who they are, Br4infck is the perfect showcase of the crossover appeal of From Fall to Spring. Where electronica, rap, hip-hop, and metal combine to make something truly infectious. Something that they double down on with Black Heart, getting a bit more ‘in your face’ vocally, but once again, delivering a chorus that a wide array of listeners are just going to love.

Hoping for a bit more bite? That comes with Draw the Line, which features an intro that is so early Linkin Park, it’s startling. This is a track that will transport those of a certain age back in time, filled with anthemic qualities and featuring some delightful intensity.

It’s something more alternative with Supernova, the clean singing is immense here. Before the short intermission of electronic melody that is Awake gives pause. Leading straight into the grandiose and passionate energy of the title track. A nu and alternative anthem. The latter word is going to be used a lot when it comes to discussing this record. Even if it’s not something you can enjoy.

There is a lot creativity here but when combining so many different genres, there’s always the risk that some stuff just won’t work. Though, that’s not the case with Light Up the Sky, a track that features sharp vocals, relatable lyrics, a robust guitar tone, and a singalong chorus. It’s a formula that is followed in Barriers too, except here, the tone is much more dramatic and the effects are quite heavy. Notably on some of the vocals, which can be quite distracting.

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The final few tracks feature some of the most challenging tracks of all, starting with Beastmode. Although this is a track that is sure to explode in the live environment, thanks to the chorus. Followed then by a pair that are heavy on the rap, hip-hop, electronica, and nu-groove in the form of Destiny and The Cursed One. The former has some real heavy snarl to it, but the latter is going to be incredibly divisive.

Which, does apply to the album overall. Many, many people are going to love this and it’s going to push this band into stardom. Yet, it’s hard to see this genre-combination having long-term staying power. Especially as it’s going to be quite off-putting to plenty of people too. As far as experimentation goes, From Fall to Spring deserve a lot of credit and they are clearly extremely talented.

From Fall to Spring – Rise Track Listing:

1. Br4infck
2. Black Heart
3. Draw the Line
4. Supernova
5. Awake
6. Rise
7. Light Up the Sky
8. Barriers
9. Beastmode
10. Destiny
11. The Cursed One


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

From Fall To Spring - Rise (Arising Empire)
  • The Final Score - 6/10
User Review
9.9/10 (2 votes)