Album Review: Dead is Dead – Constraints of Time (Triple Eye Industries)

The new record from sludgy post metal band, Dead is Dead is out on the 22nd September 2017. Constraints of Time will be released by Triple Eye Industries.

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Combining melodic sound with an aggressive stance, Constraints of Time is a moody & slow burning record. It’s all about making you feel, something that opening track Faults & Failings does well. The first couple of minutes are haze of distortion, swampy & dirty sounding before it drops into a comforting spacey sounding melody.

No Longer, No Longer & Reproach of Man showcase the slow & methodical style that Dead is Dead are about perfectly. The former with a harsher metal groove while the latter focuses on a much more sludge sound wrapped up in some hypnotic guitar riffs. Both different but both equally satisfying.

The upbeatness of Pull Down the Cross is disappointingly forgettable before the final double team of Wolves & Earth as it’s Slowly Consumed by the Sun wrap things up in contrasting style.

The former is a hard-hitting effort in a blur of great drumming & furious vocals while the latter is something of an epic. Nearly 10 minutes long, the distortion is knocked up a notch giving it an other-worldly fuzzy sound. These parts are offset by flashes of melodic guitar strumming that fit perfectly around the flashes of heavy.

Only 6 tracks long, Constraints of Time is over far too quickly (even if it’s a 30 minute album). It feels as though Dead is Dead has much more to share. Save for one flat track, the album is extremely satisfying. Not everyone will enjoy the heavy use of distortion but it lends itself perfectly t0 the sound Dead is Dead are going for.

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Dead is Dead – Constraints of Time Full Track Listing:

1. Faults & Failings
2. No Longer, No Longer
3. Reproach of Man
4. Pull Down the Cross
5. Wolves
6. Earth as it’s Slowly Consumed by the Sun

You can order a number of different versions of the album now over on Bandcamp. Check out Triple Eye Industries over on Facebook to keep up to date with Dead is Dead.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Dead is Dead - Constraints of Time (Triple Eye Industries)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
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