Album Review: Boreal – The Battle of VOSAD (Nebulae Artifacta)

Originally released way back in 2006, ambient black metal band Boreal have re-recorded their album ‘The Battle of VOSAD’ and will release it on May 1st 2020 via Nebulae Artifacta.



As you would expect from a track called ‘The Battle’, the opening sounds of The Battle of VOSAD is one steeped in ambience and epic synth. Mournful and hopeful at the same time, the sense of glory is strong.

This is drawn out for a good few minutes and then unexpectedly it bursts into black metal heaviness. Here we get high-pitched screams from the vocals sitting low in the mix alongside melodic guitar leads and the consistent atmospheric style.

The Battle II is the longest track of the album and also the most constantly fierce sounding of the bunch. The programmed drums battering away and the dungeon style-synth really heightening the dark ambience.

After such a piece of intensity, Dawn chooses to increase the rawness but slows the tempo right down and fills the latter part of the track with soft synth-based melodies. Which leads to Dusk, an instrumental closer.

A fantastic release from a band skilled in how to make ambient black metal an unforgettable experience.

Boreal – The Battle of VOSAD Full Track Listing:

1. The Battle
2. The Battle II
3. Dawn
4. Dusk




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Boreal – The Battle of VOSAD (Nebulae Artifacta)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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