Album Review: Black Talon – Scenes of Agony (Self Released)

Black Talon, the thrash metal band from Edinburgh, Scotland, will release their second album ‘Scenes of Agony’ on January 31st, 2025.

Let’s be honest, we all know what we’re getting with ‘thrash’, so it’s always a pleasure to hear a band take the formula and put their own stamp on it. Especially when it does stay true to the racing raucousness of the core sound.

Their wild antics are on display from the start with the title track, as the guitars and drums rampage forward. Snarling vocals lay over the intensity, but just when it seems as though you’ve got the measure of this track, a cleaner and more anthemic side comes out and soars high. It’s very cool, especially as it feels so natural.

That’s the sort of welcome surprises Black Talon have to offer on this album, but be under no false illusions, the neck muscles will be working overtime too. First with the crunchy riffing of Cryptocracy, which has a big sounding chorus. Then with the ‘epic’ Isolation, a track that pass the nine-minute mark.

I know, I know, a thrash metal track that is over nine minutes long!? Are they drunk, mad, or stupid? Maybe it’s all of the above, or maybe they’re just creative enough to deliver something wholly unique in this genre. A track with melody, a track with groove, touches of 90s grunge, a bit of Slayer-worship, and progressively leaning, while being undeniably thrashy. It’s a genuine slice of brilliance and the ‘must listen’ track of the album.

Happily, it’s far from the only moment of brilliance as the album goes on. Black Talon delivering even more exciting intensity with Falsifier, where a vigorous showcase of speed is displayed via storming riffs and aggressive drumming (the solo at the end is manic). Then, Forlorn Hope arrives to offer a reprieve from the noise (should you desire one) with a short bit of ambience and melody. Before the heavy comes back in grandiose style via Obnoxion, Killing Time, and The Bastard Gene. The latter of which is another big track.

It’s a mighty album overall though and enough credit can’t be given to Black Talon for finding their own unique take on the tried (some may say tired) and tested genre. Going out in a blaze of glory via the boisterous finale of Not Meant to Last. Thrash metal, yes, but not quite as you know it.

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Black Talon – Scenes of Agony Track Listing:

1. Scenes of Agony
2. Cryptocracy
3. Isolation
4. Falsifier
5. Forlorn Hope
6. Obnoxion
7. Killing Time
8. The Bastard Gene
9. Not Meant to Last


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Black Talon – Scenes of Agony (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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