Album Review: [ B O L T ] – ( 0 5 ) (dunk!records)

Featuring two basses and drums, [ B O L T ] are an instrumental black drone metal band from Germany. They will release their fifth 2LP full length album, ‘( 0 5 )’ on April 21, 2023 by dunk!records.

Is it fair to say that the drone world of music is often finding the most interesting and exciting ways to be creative? It feels it as of late, especially when a band like [ B O L T ] come along and release something so impressive. Something that betrays the norm of ‘not being for everyone’, simply because it is such an imaginative and experimental listen.

The heavy use of percussion adds such an immense level of depth to what is extremely laborious ambience. Yet, from the very first track, [ 3 2 ], right up the very last, [ 2 9 ], this album mesmerises. This album isn’t about abrasive noise, in fact it shares more in common with the likes of gaze but is instrumentally bolder. How [ B O L T ] use their instruments to create one of the most enthralling atmospheric releases heard in some time, is simply stunning.

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Yet, when they choose to be, they can be unrelenting in their heaviness. A cacophony of bass and drums that hits harder than any kind of death, doom or thrash metal. Hell, when they’re really throwing caution to the wind, it takes on a blackened metal form. One with the rawness of old but the layers of new.

It’s a combination that [ B O L T ] make work seamlessly together. Beautiful ambience, experimental instrumentation, and brash heaviness. No matter how protracted and repetitive the tones might be, it’s all in service to the overall song, and that never fails to amaze.

[ B O L T ] have delivered one of the finest albums you’ll hear within the world of drone music this year. A spectacle of creativity and talent.

[ B O L T ] – ( 0 5 ) Track Listing:

1. [ 3 2 ]
2. [ 3 6 ] / But I Was Happy
3. [ 3 8 ] / White
4. [ 3 1 ]
5. [ 3 7 ]
6. [ 4 0 ] / Petite Fleur Des Champs
7. [ 2 9 ]


Website | Spotify | Bandcamp | Instagram | Ko-Fi


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[ B O L T ] - ( 0 5 ) (dunk!records)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
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