Xbox Series X Reviews

Game Review: Still Wakes the Deep (Xbox Series X)

One of the most immersive horror games in recent times, Still Wakes the Deep can be simply summed up as John Carpenter’s The Thing but set on an oil rig. Yet, as exciting as that is, a simple summation does little to explain the emotional heft that the story has, nor does it truly convey the depressive terror that the environment creates.

Game Review: Dagon: Complete Edition (Xbox Series X)

Would you like to know more about H.P. Lovecraft without having to do all that bothersome reading? Would you like to experience one of his famous stories from a visual and audio standpoint? Would you like hidden details that deliver even more facts about the famous horror writer? If the answer to all of this is yes, then you’re in luck, Dagon: Complete Edition has all of this, and a bit more.