Horror Movie Review: Ouija Death Trap (2014)
Ouija Death Trap aka Spirits is a found-footage paranormal horror movie from director Todd Sheets, who also holds a writing credit alongside Amanda Payton and Johnnie Reed.
Ouija Death Trap aka Spirits is a found-footage paranormal horror movie from director Todd Sheets, who also holds a writing credit alongside Amanda Payton and Johnnie Reed.
At just an hour long (excluding the credits and a post-credits scene that is a waste of time), Kill, Granny, Kill! should be palatable. Yet, thanks to a boorish story, awkward acting, and a lack of egregious gore (which this film really should have had), it ends up feeling twice the length.
Directed by Brad Twigg, who co-wrote it with Leslie Monk, Ghoulish Tales is a low-budget anthology horror with a festive spin.
Written and directed by Ed Hunt, Halloween Hell seems to be purposefully aiming to be a ‘so bad it’s good’ movie but ends up just being a bad movie.
Serving as director and co-writer alongside Charlie Meadows, David DeCoteau delivers one of his worst movies to date. Called 90210 Shark Attack, it stars Donna Wilkes, Rachel Rosenstein, Braden Bacha, Jeffrey Decker, Jud Birza, and Stephanie Shemanski.
The third and final entry in the Joy Ride series of movies just so happens to be the worst of the bunch. An impressive feat.
V/H/S: Viral is the third film in the V/H/S franchise.
Don’t be surprised that, come the end of Feed the Devil, you’re feeling very confused by what you saw. You’re not alone. This film isn’t sure what it wants to be and most will be left scratching their heads by the lack of coherency in the story.