Horror Reviews 2002

Horror Movie Review: Bleed (2002)

Bleed is a bit of an odd one. It has all the makings of your bog-standard slasher horror. One with a predictable twist. However, it tells a fairly interesting story that has you wondering just what is actually going on for a while.

Horror Movie Review: Jigsaw (2002)

Jigsaw (no, not that one) is a 2002 straight to video horror written and directed by the duo of Don Adams and Harry James Picardi. A no budget horror that looks as cheap as it feels but thanks to a short run-time keeps things fairly entertaining.

Horror Movie Review: Dead and Rotting (2002)

Dead and Rotting is one of those movies you’d stick on when you just want to have something on in the background. However, as it plays you might find yourself drawn in more then you expect. It’s no stone cold classic but it is better than you’d expect. Provided you can overlook the cheapness of it.