The History of Gambling in the Lowlands: Dutch Casinos Through the Ages

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed readers, and fellow enthusiasts of chance and fortune, I am Milan Rabszski, and it is an absolute pleasure to embark on a journey through the captivating history of gambling in the Lowlands, a story intricately woven into the cultural fabric of the Netherlands. As a devoted gambling expert, I have long been fascinated by the evolution of this age-old pastime in this charming region, and I am delighted to share with you the enthralling tale of Dutch casinos through the ages.

The Netherlands, renowned for its rich history and vibrant cities, has witnessed the transformation of its gambling landscape from the early days of card games in taverns to the modern era of state-run casinos and the advent of online gaming. Join me as we explore the ebb and flow of Dutch gambling, from its humble beginnings to its thriving present and promising future. As we delve into this narrative, you’ll discover the enduring allure of holenderskie casino, where tradition meets innovation.

Early Beginnings

The roots of gambling in the Netherlands can be traced back to the 16th century. Card games and dice were popular forms of entertainment, often played in local taverns and among nobility. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that true gambling houses began to emerge in the Dutch cities. These early establishments offered games like Faro, a popular card game, and quickly gained notoriety for attracting gamblers from all walks of life.

  1. 16th Century Origins: Gambling in the Netherlands can be traced back to the 16th century when card games and dice became popular forms of entertainment.
  2. Games of Chance in Taverns: Early gambling activities were often conducted in local taverns, where patrons would engage in games of chance for both leisure and profit.
  3. Nobility’s Participation: Gambling was not limited to the common folk; even the nobility enjoyed various forms of gambling, contributing to its popularity.
  4. Development of Gambling Houses: The 18th century saw the emergence of dedicated gambling houses that offered a wide range of games, attracting a diverse clientele.
  5. Faro and Other Card Games: Games like Faro, a card game, became particularly popular in these establishments.
  6. Diverse Participant Demographics: These early gambling houses attracted people from various social backgrounds, making them hubs of social interaction.
  7. Notoriety and Entertainment: Early Dutch gambling establishments gained notoriety for being centers of entertainment, and their reputation continued to evolve as the years passed.
  8. Shifts in Regulation: In the 19th century, concerns about the societal impact of gambling led to stricter regulations and the closure of many gambling houses, marking a significant change in Dutch gambling history.

The 19th Century – A Time of Restriction

The 19th century was marked by a significant shift in the Dutch approach to gambling. Concerns about the negative social consequences of gambling led to widespread restrictions. Many gambling houses were closed, and the Dutch government began to regulate and limit the types of games that could be offered. By the end of the century, most forms of gambling had been effectively suppressed.

  • Social Concerns: The 19th century brought increasing concerns about the perceived negative social consequences of gambling, including addiction, financial ruin, and family disruption.
  • Crackdown on Gambling Houses: In response to these concerns, Dutch authorities initiated a widespread crackdown on gambling houses throughout the country, leading to the closure of many establishments.
  • Stricter Regulation: The government implemented stricter regulations on gambling, limiting the types of games that could be offered to the public.
  • Repression of Traditional Games: Traditional games of chance, which had been popular for centuries, began to face suppression and legal restrictions during this era.
  • Public Opinion: The negative perception of gambling as a societal ill began to shape public opinion and government policy regarding gambling.
  • Suppression of Gambling Culture: The 19th century marked a time when the vibrant gambling culture of earlier centuries was suppressed, altering the gambling landscape in the Netherlands.
  • Long-Lasting Impact: The restrictions and regulations imposed in the 19th century had a long-lasting impact on Dutch gambling, influencing the development of the industry in subsequent decades.

This list highlights the societal concerns and government actions that defined the 19th-century landscape of gambling in the Netherlands, illustrating the dramatic shift in attitudes and policies towards gambling during this period.

The Emergence of State-Run Casinos

In the mid-20th century, the Dutch government introduced a new approach to gambling by establishing state-run casinos. The first legal casino in the Netherlands, Casino Zandvoort, opened its doors in 1976. These government-regulated casinos were created with the intent of both curbing illegal gambling and generating revenue for the state.

The late 20th and early 21st centuries saw the expansion of the Dutch casino industry. The renowned Holland Casino brand established numerous properties across the country, offering a variety of table games and slot machines. These casinos became not only places for gambling but also hubs for entertainment and dining, attracting both locals and tourists.

Year Key Events and Developments
1976 The first legal casino, Casino Zandvoort, opened its doors, marking the official start of state-regulated gambling in the Netherlands.
1986 The government expanded its involvement in the industry, establishing the Holland Casino company as the sole operator of legal casinos.
1991 The Holland Casino chain continued to grow with the opening of additional properties, offering a variety of games of chance and entertainment options.
2008 Holland Casino faced privatization discussions, but this move was postponed due to financial instability in the wake of the global economic crisis.
2013 The government renewed its efforts to privatize Holland Casino, aiming to liberalize the casino market.
2019 Legislation was introduced to regulate online gambling, which marked a significant change in Dutch gambling policy, opening the door to online casinos.
2021 The legal framework for online gambling was finally established, enabling licensed operators to offer a wide range of online casino games in the Netherlands.

This structured list provides a chronological overview of the key events and developments that led to the emergence of state-run casinos and the modernization of the Dutch gambling industry. 

Online Gambling and the Future

In recent years, the landscape of Dutch gambling has been further transformed by the rise of online casinos. The Netherlands legalized online gambling in 2021, allowing licensed operators to offer a wide range of casino games to Dutch players. This significant change reflects the evolving attitudes towards gambling and the government’s desire to regulate and tax this burgeoning industry.

As we look to the future, the Netherlands is poised to continue its role as a gambling destination. The legal framework for online gambling, coupled with the existing land-based casinos, ensures that Dutch gamblers have a wealth of options. The government’s commitment to responsible gambling and consumer protection is also evident in these modern developments.


In this voyage through time, we have journeyed from the earliest days of chance and fortune in the Netherlands to the modern era of state-run casinos and online gaming. The story of Dutch casinos is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of this age-old industry, reflecting the ever-evolving attitudes towards gambling in the Lowlands.

As a gambling expert, I must emphasize that the Netherlands has found a harmonious balance between tradition and modernity, showcasing not only the allure of casino gaming but also the responsible regulation and consumer protection that underpin it. With the recent legalization of online gambling, Dutch gamblers now have a world of gaming options at their fingertips, while land-based casinos continue to thrive as hubs of entertainment.

The rich history of gambling in the Netherlands reminds us that, despite the changing tides of time, the spirit of chance and the thrill of gaming continue to captivate hearts and minds. The Dutch casino landscape remains as vibrant and promising as ever, ready to embrace a future where the excitement of gambling knows no bounds. So, whether you find yourself at a traditional gaming table or in the digital realm of online casinos, the Netherlands has something to offer every player, ensuring that the legacy of Dutch casinos endures, enriching the cultural tapestry of this remarkable nation.

Information for our readers was provided by Milan Rabszski gambling expert from


  • Carl Fisher

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