Horror Movie Review: Paradise Z (2020)
Directed by Wych Kaosayananda, who co-wrote the story with Steve Poirier, Paradise Z (also known as Two of Us) is a zombie-apocalyptic horror that focuses on survivors, rather than the walking dead.
Directed by Wych Kaosayananda, who co-wrote the story with Steve Poirier, Paradise Z (also known as Two of Us) is a zombie-apocalyptic horror that focuses on survivors, rather than the walking dead.
Directed by John Lyde, written by Kurt Hale, and starring Corey Sevier, Eve Mauro and Jasen Wade, Osombie has to be a comedy horror, right? Right!? RIGHT!?
A love story set to the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse, combined with a high amount of cheesiness. Valentine DayZ is a hit and miss comedy horror.
Through an impressive level of commitment to squeezing every inch of gold out of it, Zombie Town turns out to be a fun and entertaining zombie horror flick.
Bridge of the Doomed’s basic outline surrounds a mysterious virus spreading throughout the world. One that is causing humans to transform into flesh hungry zombies.
Zombie apathy has well and truly set in. So it’s a nice surprise to find Brain Freeze isn’t your conventional zombie flick. A movie that has enough fresh parts to stand out from the horde.
Written and directed by Matt Jaissle and starring Tim Lovelace, Ron Asheton and Jeff Rector, Dead City also goes under the name of Legion of the Night.
Starring Tyler Albrecht, Jason Anderson and Natoli Barbera, Pop Punk Zombies is a 2011 zombie horror film directed by Steve Dayton and written by Brian Leis.