Christmas Horror Short Review: The Christmas Party: A Cautionary Tale (2020)
Written & directed by Jakob Kolness, The Christmas Party stars Colby Herbst, Christopher Torres & Ayana Taylor.
Written & directed by Jakob Kolness, The Christmas Party stars Colby Herbst, Christopher Torres & Ayana Taylor.
A family affair, Slashing Through the Snow was written, directed and stars; Jackson McManus, Matthew McManus and Taylor McManus.
While not a horror in the conventional sense (you’re not getting blood, guts or scary scenes), Mailer Daemon tells the horrifying story of monotony and hope. All from the perspective of a demon named Todd (Joey Harmon).
Mannequin is a body horror short from David Teixeira who collaborates with Lea N’Kaoua again for an experience that will leave you feeling uncomfortable and unhappy.
Francis Makes A Friend is mind-trip of a horror short, one with bundles of imagination. Produced and directed by Jake Braden.
Gary is working late. Something he will regret as he gets a late-night visit signified by the Easter Egg left on the floor for him.
Called Easter Bunny and coming from TePonui Films, this horror short comes in at 3 and a half minutes.
Written, directed and edited by Robyn August, Snap is a very creative and effective horror short that certainly delivers a fright or two.