Horror Movie Review: Boogeyman 3 (2008)
The third and final instalment of the Boogeyman series was released in 2008, one year after the second film. It was directed by Gary Jones and stars Erin Cahill and Chuck Hittinger.
The third and final instalment of the Boogeyman series was released in 2008, one year after the second film. It was directed by Gary Jones and stars Erin Cahill and Chuck Hittinger.
A sequel to the atrocious 2005 horror, Boogeyman 2 drops the supernatural side of the series. Instead focusing on a horrible bunch of characters being killed off by someone in a mask.
There is bad horror & then there is Boogeyman. A supernatural horror directed by Stephen T. Kay & starring Barry Watson, Emily Deschanel, Skye McCole Bartusiak, and Lucy Lawless.