Game – Movie Review: It Came From the Desert (2017)
One of the most baffling video game to movie adaptions ever, It Came From the Desert is based off the 1989 action-adventure game of the same name developed and published by Cinemaware.
One of the most baffling video game to movie adaptions ever, It Came From the Desert is based off the 1989 action-adventure game of the same name developed and published by Cinemaware.
A horror movie about a sentient car shouldn’t be good but thanks to great direction by John Carpenter and great acting (Keith Gordon and John Stockwell) Christine really impresses.
Trucks is the second attempt to adapt the short Stephen King story of the same name and like it’s predecessor, gets it completely wrong.
A straight to TV/DVD remake of the 1984 Children of the Corn movie which in itself was an adaption of the Stephen King short story.
Every 27 years, it wakes & it is hungry. Taking the form of a clown it sets about terrorising a set of friends who are determined to put a stop to the evil. Based off the Stephen King horror novel of the same name.