Horror Movie Review: Rewilding (2023)

A three-tale folk-horror anthology, Rewilding comes from writer and director Ric Rawlins, and stars Natasha Neckles, Daniel Charles Doherty, Samantha Elizabeth Hudson, and Stephanie Pamplona.

The connecting tissue between the three stories is folk horror. Set in the rural British countryside, where three characters get caught up in the folklore of ancient lands and times. Witches, cults, ghosts, cups of tea, and much more. It’s charmingly British and utilises the locales perfectly. Even more impressive considering it is low budget.

Alas, while it does look lovely, the actual meat of the anthology – the stories – are lacking and don’t always hold the attention as much as they should. The lack of a narrative that truly connects them all is unfortunate as the three stories all feel distinctly standalone. None of which are exciting or interesting enough to stand out.

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Of the three, the story about the cave is arguably the most atmospheric, whereas the story about the tree is arguably the dullest. Whereas the story about the old-timey traditions and cults sits somewhere in the middle. It’s also the one that feels the most like a light homage to The Wicker Man.

Alongside that, there is some extremely poor acting and some of the dialogue is cringey at best. Issues that would be easier to overlook if it wasn’t for the fact Rewilding relies heavily on talking to tell its stories.

There’s not much in the way of action or actual visual horror. The focus here is on creating a sense of ominous, hidden, and dangerous threats. Things that have passed from all common knowledge but can be rediscovered within the land and through those that remain. People who are infected with the knowledge to some degree. Passing it down through generations until it takes on a more fantastical life of its own.

It’s something that Rewilding does manage to get across even if the promise is stronger than the actual delivery.


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Rewilding (2023)
  • The Final Score - 4/10
User Review
8.15/10 (2 votes)