Horror Movie Review: Chompy & The Girls (2021)

A lot of weird and plenty of wonderful too, it’s Chompy and The Girls, a unique horror comedy from writer and director, Skye Braband.

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Christy St. John stars as Jackson, and we’re introduced to the young woman sitting alone in a grotty apartment. She makes several calls to people, including her mother who promptly hangs up on her, before tying a noose around the ceiling fan and hanging herself. Or at least she tries, but all she ends up doing is pulling the fan out of the ceiling.

Unsure of what to do now, she decides to contact a man named Sam, played by Steve Marvel. A buttoned-up man who appears to just be going through the motions in his marriage to Deborah (Julie Dolan). A man who’s most exciting part of his day involves a co-worker randomly quitting.

So, how do Jackson and Sam know each other? They don’t. Which is the reason why she has contacted him. He’s her father, something she only found out a few months ago, and something he doesn’t know about at all. She texts him, revealing who she is, and asks to meet in a local park.

Confused, Sam agrees, and the pair meet.

Instantly, their chemistry is notable. These characters couldn’t be more different, but both actors bring a lot to the roles. It quickly becomes clear that they are both lost and unhappy, and they might be able to help each other.

There is just one problem though. While in the park, they witness a man (Reggie Koffman), open his mouth to an impossible scale and swallow a ten-year-old girl whole. A problem that now starts to chase after them, forcing them to run for their lives. From this point on, the film just gets stranger and stranger.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Chompy and the Girls is how it makes all the nonsense work, and how it makes the character side of things so compelling. It is a well written film, that takes an absurd idea with humorous elements, but layers in interesting aspects about mental health, relationships, and personal growth. Serious subjects displayed in often unserious ways and given so much weight because of a strong set of characters and the actors that portray them.

It’s not just the leads either, as several secondary characters and the actors that portray them, are excellent too.

It’s one of the most original horror films seen in some time, even if it’s not always the most horror centric. If you’re after scares, blood, and guts, you’re going to be found wanting. However, that certainly doesn’t mean it doesn’t have tense moments, because it does. The latter portion of movie is where the madness really ramps up, and it really does get mad.

Don’t you want to know what is on the other side of the mouth? How is it possible that multiple versions of the girl that was swallowed are running around? Why does Sam have a baby foot? Can his marriage survive the night and the revelation that he has a daughter? Will Jackson find some form of inner peace by connecting her father?

All of these questions, and more, will be answered in this very satisfying, fun, and clever watch.


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Chompy & The Girls (2021)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
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