Horror Book Review: Affinity’s Window (Douglas Wilson)

Written by Douglas Wilson, Affinity’s Window is a horror novel that combines ghostly scares with a murder mystery and horrific demonic cults.

Window 2

At the start we’re introduced to Affinity Bell, a child of 7 but way wiser then her years. She is a lonely child whose only companion is the battered doll she calls Mr. Moppet. She roams the empty halls of Bell Manor avoiding her distant parents all while avoiding the constant evil that pursues her.

Evil that she has christened ‘The Others’.

Only she can see them, horrifying creatures with tentacles, obsessed with one thing, getting and doing unspeakable things to Affinity Bell. However, thanks to Mr. Moppet, Affinity has protection. He will look after her, he has told her so and Mr. Moppet knows magic.

Elsewhere Tanner Dann, a haunted man is searching for proof that ghosts actually do exist. He is writing a book and has hired a powerful psychic to come to Bell Manor with him. Something is drawing him there though, an unknown force that has evil plans for both Tanner and Affinity.

Surprising. That’s a word that comes to mind once you’ve turned the final page of Affinity’s Window. A surprising read that has many twists and turns, some very unexpected but all incredibly thrilling.

Douglas Wilson writes in such a descriptive way that you can taste the air in the Bell Manor, you can feel the cold sliminess of a tentacle as it wraps around your arm and you can smell death around every corner. When it comes to locations and events, this is a 9/10 book easily. You’ll be hooked every step of the way desperate to know just what awaits at the end.

Scary is subjective but Affinity’s Window has enough chilling moments to get the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. Anyone who explored old buildings as a child will feel a little sharp shock in their brain when confronted with Bell Manor.

What doesn’t always grab the attention though are the characters. Now Affinity is excellent, a layered child with knowledge way behind her years. She’s lived a life no child should ever have experienced and while she has innocence to her, it’s clear early on that there is way more to her then meets the eye.

Tanner on the other hand, he’s a bit of flat character. Likeable and with a backstory that is interesting, his bullish and flat-headedness does begin to grate. As his relationship begins to grow with the psychic, Linda, he gets even more frustrating but it’s not fair to give him too much of a hard time as he is being influenced by forces behind his comprehension.

One of the more surprising moments comes in the latter half. It’s something that could potentially turn some readers off but it offers a much deeper explanation of what is happening here and also gives room for future sequels. Sequels that are coming.

Affinity’s Window is very good read. A fast page-turner that drips malicious atmosphere. You can pick it up yourself from Amazon below.

[amazon_link asins=’1942981953′ template=’UseThisOne’ store=’g0e5b-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’30ce2379-8e9f-11e8-9f47-295f603a1074′]


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Affinity's Window (Douglas Wilson)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
User Review
4 (1 vote)