EP Review: Insanity Alert – Moshemian Trashody (Season of Mist)

‘Moshemian Thrashody’ is the latest EP by Austria’s crossover thrash maestros, Insanity Alert. Featuring tributes to metal legends and a fresh spin on classics ferried by the raucous tones of Heavy Keevy and gang. It will be released on May 17th, 2024, via Season of Mist.

Keeping it simple, not taking themselves seriously, and focusing on the party anthem style of thrash, Insanity Alert leave an impression. Drawing influences from the likes of Suicidal Tendencies and Municipal Waste, keeping it fun, and proving they have the talent for good thrash.

Does opener Welcome To The Moshpit sound familiar? That’s because it’s a parody of the Guns & Roses’ classic Welcome to the Jungle. Albeit from a much more thrashy state of mind. It’s a fun start, but many will find themselves really taking note with Beer in the Park because it’s a parody of Iron Maiden’s Fear of the Dark. Turned into a grin-inducing drunken epic by Insanity Alert. It’s one hell of an example of their talents to thrash-ify classics in shortened style.

Interestingly though, it’s not just rock and metal classics that get the thrash party treatment though. How about George Michael being given the heavy treatment? It’s Beerless Fiesta, and it’s… something.

Then, just to cap things off, it’s Queen time and chances are, you’ll know if you’re going to love the title track or hate it before you’ve even pushed play. If it’s the latter, stop being so miserable. Grab a beer and have some fun with Insanity Alert. They’re not aiming to change the world here, they just want to make it a little drunker.

Insanity Alert – Moshemian Thrashody Track Listing:

1. Welcome To The Moshpit
2. Beer In The Park
3. Beerless Fiesta
4. Moshemian Thrashody


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Insanity Alert - Moshemian Trashody (Season of Mist)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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