EP Review: Eva Bartok – Eva Bartok (Self Released)

Post punk-rock band Eva Bartok will release their self-titled debut EP on 23rd August 2019. Eva Bartok’s four track EP is unapologetically assertive, confident, willing to take risks and gets in your face in a blink of the eye. Clocking in at under 10 minutes, the EP has no time for delicacy. This is urgent. This is purposeful.

When the record is only 10 minutes long, there is no excuse to not check it out. 10 minutes of your time to hear a new band and who knows? You might find your new favourite band. Especially if it’s the post-punk rock styling of Eva Bartok.

Catchy, energetic, chaotic and complex, this new band have ideas. Big ideas and within four tracks they attempt to expel them into our ears. It’s refreshing but not completely out of this world as comparisons can be made to the likes of Glassjaw and Every Time I Die.

Is it worth 10 minutes of your time? Of course, it bloody is. Heck, if 10 minutes is too long then just check out the excellent Chess Club and you’ll be sold.

Eva Bartok – Eva Bartok Full Track Listing:

1. Lies and Trickery
2. Chess Club
3. Mexico
4. Houses


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Eva Bartok - Eva Bartok (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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