EP Review: Artaban’s Redemption – Broken Puppets (Demons Records)
Featuring members of Freedom Call, Vision Divine and Dark Moor, Artaban’s Redemption is a power metal group due to release their EP, Broken Puppets on May 21st 2021 via Demons Records.
Taking their cues from the likes of Gamma Ray and Helloween, Artaban’s Redemption put the ‘pow’ back in power metal. Broken Puppets is a 5-track blast from the past of energetic orchestral melodies, heavy metal rhythm and epic grandness. The wicked pace, the soaring vocals and screeching guitar solo makes Obsolete Tech a memorable start.
Revolution begins in mellow but uplifting fashion before the double-bass drumming heralds a heavier and faster direction. Gigantic riffs and punchy orchestration, this is a track that is power metal 101 but so damn enjoyable because of it. The slow down moments littered throughout are so pretty and make you feel that little taller.
Feeling good? You should be as Artaban’s Redemption continue the theme of revolutionary but failing tech with the blast that is Shutting Down. Followed by the authoritative and marching beat of Time for War. Get in formation, Artaban’s Redemption need you!
It’s sad to see such grand power metal end but end it must as Never Again makes it clear just what side of this war Artaban’s Redemption are on. Stand tall and proud, as the EP comes to close with one last epic flourish.
Artaban’s Redemption – Broken Puppets Full Track Listing:
1. Obsolete Tech
2. Revolution
3. Shutting Down
4. Time for War
5. Never Again
Artaban’s Redemption – Broken Puppets (Demons Records)
The Final Score - 8.5/10