EP Review: Anti-God Hand – X (Self Released)

The technical, atmospheric and curious black metal project that is British Columbia’s Anti-God Hand are back already with a brand-new EP. Following on from their excellent album Wretch (read our review here) that was released on the 4th June, 2021 via American Decline Records, the band has now released a 3-track EP called ‘X’.



I don’t think I could ever have enough Anti-God Hand. Give me all the blistering, rough but atmospheric black metal this band has to offer. I’ll never get sick of it. So, it should come as no surprise that X has put a smile on my face. Although, the goal might be to make me grimace through the sheer wave of ferocity that comes from it.

They’re just so damn good at delivering heaving and unrelenting black metal viciousness but layering it with dark and meaningful melodies and atmosphere. When words like ‘sinking into the ether’ are used, it’s to try and convey just how enchanting a release like this is.

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The thing to note though is that this is a very dark release with some very heavy moments. As well as continuing to show just how wide and expansive their atmospheric bleakness is, Anti-God Hand really push their more eclectic side here and there. The shortest track, Aratron Drawn Heavenwards is crawling chaotic horrors shot directly into your brain. Weird but so damn wonderful.

If you haven’t heard Wretch already (seriously – do) then what you have here is a taster of the brilliance that is Anti-God Hand. Taste it, witness the explosion then devour everything else the band has to offer.

Anti-God Hand – X Full Track Listing:

1. Enchiridion Thrones
2. Aratron Drawn Heavenwards
3. Hyperincursion of the Theocentre


Website | Bandcamp


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Anti-God Hand – X (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
8.7/10 (1 vote)