Bloodstock 2025: The First Announcement
Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life talk through the first set of bands added to Bloodstock 2025. It’s an exciting list of bands and we have some strong opinions to share!
Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life talk through the first set of bands added to Bloodstock 2025. It’s an exciting list of bands and we have some strong opinions to share!
Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life bring you our Bloodstock 2024 Vlog! Showcasing footage of us around the festival, updates about our experience, live footage of bands, and more!
Carl, Brendan, and Dan from Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life talk through the things that were good, the things that were bad, and the things that were ugly about Bloodstock 2024!
Bloodstock Open Air 2024 – A Festival For The Ages. My thoughts and feelings as I prepare to bring my daughter to her very first Bloodstock Festival.
Ten years of Bloodstock Open Air. So many memories made over the past decade. Here are ten of my favourite memories to date.
Ten years of Bloodstock Open Air. Ten years of making memories. This article goes into depth regarding the reasons why the festival has become a yearly trip.
I want to focus on mental health and the positive impact Bloodstock has on mine. This is completely personal, my experiences alone.
The annual ‘battle of the bands’ not only showcases the future of the rock and metal scene, but winning bands (and some runners-up) go on to play the festival itself. It’s a formula that has worked wonders for bands, the festival, and just as importantly, the local scenes around the UK.