Band Interview: Hadeon

Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life are very pleased to bring you an interview with progressive metal band, Hadeon. Their latest album Sunrise was released on December 2nd 2017 and you can read our review here. You can also listen to Episode 3 of The GBHBL Whiplash & hear the title track below.

1. Tell us a bit about the band’s origins.

Hello everyone! The band was founded in 2014 with the purpose of merging different sounds and styles and building a prog oriented project. The idea was to take advantage of our different musical backgrounds (like heavy metal, fusion, acoustic music, rock…) and create something new and more suitable for us. We started to mess around with some ideas and we soon realised that the material we were producing was worth a deeper commitment, so we dived into the compositional process.

2. Sunrise is your debut album, how satisfying was it to finally get it released?

It has been a great satisfaction both on a musical and personal level! It costed us several sacrifices and also some disappointments, but the joy of holding it in our hands once finished has been priceless and filled us with pride.

Hadeon 1

3. What helped inspire the album as a whole?

At first there wasn’t a common conceptual pattern beneath the songs. We let the music flow lead us and, little by little, as the songs started to produce emotions and feelings, the ideas for the lyrics began to take form. If I recall right, when we completed the third song, it became clear that the content of the lyrics would have been somehow bound to man’s inner struggles and mental disease (bipolar disorder, madness, love delusion and other mental health issues).

4. Has the rise of YouTube & streaming services helped or hindered you?

Our social media activity as a band is relatively recent, so at the moment we don’t have enough data to judge objectively. Its not an influence on our work, apart from that, we think it’s an excellent way to push both, the band and our music.

5. Games, Brrraaains (horror) & A Head-Banging Life….what do you enjoy?

Well, I’m not a gamer and I’m not particularly fond of horror movies…so I’m forced to choose headbanging life… HAHAHA!!!

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6. What does the future hold for Hadeon?

With no doubt we have a great desire to play live anywhere we can and promote our music. We love to make contact with the audience; the warmth and the joy produced by this relationship are priceless and that pushes us to always perform at our best. We are also working on new ideas for a second album…but I can’t say more.

We can’t thank Hadeon enough for taking the time to speak with us. Check out the album via Apple Music below and Spotify here. Find out more/keep up to date with news via Facebook and via their website here.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

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