Album Review: Sundowner – Lysergic Ritual (Self Released)

Australian purveyors of caustic and slow-burning sludge, Sundowner, return with their second full-length album, ‘Lysergic Ritual’. Out on April 20th, 2024.

With so many bands offering up music that crosses genre boundaries, it’s sometimes refreshing to listen to something that does exactly what it says it does. Something that isn’t trying to sound unique, looking to surprise, or to defy expectations. Which might sound like a negative to some, but when you promise a certain sound and then deliver that emphatically, it’s nothing but positive.

Why does this matter? Simply because Sundowner promise filthy and ugly sounding sludge and that is what we get with Lysergic Ritual. Eight tracks of uncouth noise, with varying tempos, and the nasty edge overall. All of this is present in the opener, Degenerate Subculture, as Sundowner lay out the swampy path that we’re all going to have to go down across the album.

Be prepared to have to do some trudging, and your body is going to feel very heavy indeed. Blame the weight of the title track and it’s smothering guitars, even if the bursts of punky speed offer up some adrenaline hits. Blame the lovable, but obnoxious, mass that is Substance Abuse, and blame the riffs and ear-bleeding feedback of 13 Foot High.

F**k it, just blame Sundowner. Even if it is mightily half-hearted as the album is just too enjoyable.



There’s still half an album to go too, and it isn’t getting any lighter with the likes of Mobile Kill Room. As close as Sundowner get to doom, but that’s not a complete surprise as doom and sludge certainly share a room. However, the real takeaway from this track are the twisted vocals, which have been really garish up to this point already.

A short intermission, featuring harsh feedback and a spoken-word recording, comes next in the form of Defilement. This flows nicely into The High Priestess as Sundowner get groovy, much to the mind’s delight. Don’t let the swamp take you just yet. Especially as they have the track to ensure you’re gasping for air as you sink into the mire once and for all. It’s Paranoia Sect, it’s the finale, and it’s Sundowner at their very best.

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Sundowner – Lysergic Ritual Track Listing:

1. Degenerate Subculture
2. Lysergic Ritual
3. Substance Abuse
4. 13 Foot High
5. Mobile Kill Room
6. Defilement
7. The High Priestess
8. Paranoia Sect


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Sundowner - Lysergic Ritual (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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