Album Review: Popiół – Zabobony (Godz Ov War Productions)

Hailing from Poland, Popiół is made up of Thy Worshiper’s former and current members. The name comes from Thy Worshiper’s identically titled debut release.

Popiół members had this to say:

“There is a time for everything. They say you can’t turn back time, but… We have decided to continue the story interrupted some 20 years ago. And although Thy Worshiper continues to follow its own path, Popiół adds yet another chapter to the tale discontinued years ago. Actually, the track titled ‘Wybiło’ was to have opened Thy Worshiper’s sophomore album back in 1998. Time stood still, though. Now, we have set the hands of the clock in motion again, and darkness has burst out…”

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It’s Godz Ov War Productions that presents this 20 year return releasing Zabobony on CD on the 27th February 2019.

A return of this magnitude does bring with it some hefty expectation but the question of if Popiół are able to meet that is answered almost immediately with Wybiło. An enlightening start that has all the trappings and sides of black metal but with a much fresher and cleaner sound. It’s less about intensity and more about delivering a sermon.

Intensity comes in the form of Gdy Słońce Zgaśnie, a track that also has a wonderful undercurrent of gothic-ness. A lot of the meat of the track and the album as a whole lies at the feet of the bass/drum combo. Together we get a really deep and rich sound that gives even the non-vocal tracks like Wilcze Jagody a hefty edge.

Not that any other area of the band is lacking though. The vocals are a mix of black metal roughness and gothic horror and the guitars scream in pain. Ojcze Nienasz and Chmury both keep things perfectly balanced and so enjoyable.

The incredibly rich thrum of the bass returns in force for A Kysz before Umarli somehow takes things up to another level. A wonderful blend of haunting rhythm, vocals and flashes of higher-tempo intensity.

It might be almost an hour long but it doesn’t feel like it at all as we reach the sombre end with Czerń. Rich to the point of fullness, the slow and dark rhythm closing things out in memorable style confirming that this is a return we can all welcome with open arms.

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Popiół – Zabobony Full Track Listing:

1. Wybiło
2. Gdy Słońce Zgaśnie
3. Wilcze Jagody
4. Ojcze Nienasz
5. Chmury
6. A Kysz
7. Umarli
8. Czerń



The album can be ordered via Bandcamp and via Godz Ov War Productions here.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Popiół - Zabobony (Godz Ov War Productions)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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